一直想了解他们那段过去.在搜索后从文字中看到.现实版的剪刀手爱德华.如此凄美的童话.多年过去.或许一切只能归咎为他们那时太年轻..可也只有那时的爱才如此刻骨铭心.直到现在的决口不提.因为电影《剪刀手爱德华》,约翰尼·德普与当时17岁的薇诺娜·赖德谱下刻骨之恋。热恋中的德普在手臂上ci下了“永远的薇诺娜(Winona Forever)字样。正如爱德华注定无法得到金的爱,影片中的爱情悲剧在现实中重演,订婚3年的他们最终却因薇诺娜家人的阻拦而黯然分手。伤心的德普一度借酒 浇愁并把手臂上的ci青洗去若干字母变成了“永远的酒 gui(Wino Forever)”。错过初恋的赖德则因精 神 崩溃住进医院。在他们分手三年后,薇诺娜回忆这段往事时说:“我那时实在是太年轻了。我并不知道他的理由是什么,但其实那是因为我自己的原因导致的。”" I knew right then,’ adds Johnny. I knew then I had falling in love with the love of my life"----Johnny
`I thought maybe he would be a jerk,’ says Winona. `I didn’t know. But he was really, really shy and far from any jerk..’ ---Winona
`I thought maybe he would be a jerk,’ says Winona. `I didn’t know. But he was really, really shy and far from any jerk..’ ---Winona