Sources show that these are the pictures this couple taken for their marriage this summer during their trip home last summer.
However, they had absolutely no idea these are their last photo taken together for their life.
She will not be back home this summer, neither will the dream,
dressing the dreaming weddings come and holding love’s hand and stepping into the hall of marriage, come true.
Xiaoxiaorenjian set his living city as Hongkong on the weblog, but he lives in Beijing.
He does not want to be recognized.
在视频中说他不太会唱歌,希望有优秀歌手来演唱他写的这几首歌曲,然而却只字未提女友的故事。He said he cannot sing well in the video clip, so he hopes someone good enough can sing the songs for him, however, without mentioning any words about his girlfriend. 虽然相隔千山万水,但他们很低调地相爱,从不张扬,身边人几乎都不知道。
Although being separated apart from each other, they are both low-key persons, never showing off and nearly no one knows their story. 视频红遍网络之后,他们双方的家人都曾经要求删除视频,
When the clip has been spread to the internet, their parents insisted to delete the clip;
however, after being persuaded, they finally agreed that they should also support their music,
because the songs are praying for her. 除了这两张已经被人流露的照片之外,坚决反对任何知情人向外界透露任何关于遇难女孩的详细信息,
Except for the two photos, any leakage of any personal information about this girl is not allowed.
So thanks for understanding and not communicating any information and photos to the public, which is the respect for the victim and her family. 她生前喜欢安静,让我们一起祝愿她在另一个世界过的恬静而幸福。
She is a quiet person alive, therefore let her rest in peace and happiness in the world beyond.
However, this is a touching story that nobody can resist
Although we don’t know who the two are, but let’s pray for them.
We hope that there will be heavenly voices to playback the stories through singing the songs;
because we hope, that maybe she’ll hear them no matter where she would on this planet.
As what a senior musician commented on the “mysterious music man” ‘s weblog:
music with real feelings, lyrics and melodies that are so touching, and the amazing musical self-cultivation are all nothing the commercial songs can achieve
The misfortune of our beloved is what inspired the creation of great work.
Like an oasis, a limpid and lively spring and a precious treasure that appeared on the desert; the pure, valuable, elegant and rare music are just like a priceless gem are now making the whole world lose its heart to them.
From a perspective of music composing, we should support a talented young dreamer like him.
From a more emotional perspective, we should all give them our best wishes to the man who has an unreasoning passion for love, to the unfortunate girl and to any distant relationships like theirs.
Let’s pray.