。。。I hate to do this~LZ,不是要浇灭乃滴热情哦~= =
看看wiki上滴解释~【Narcissism is the personality trait of egotism, vanity, conceit, or simple selfishness. Applied to a social group。。。】就是说,介个词是说一个社会人群而不是一个人滴个人行为~= =
【The name "narcissism" was coined by Freud after Narcissus who in Greek myth
was a pathologically self-absorbed young man who fell in love with his
own reflection in a pool. Freud believed that some narcissism is an
essential part of all of us from birth.】弗洛伊德神马滴,希腊神话神马滴略过~简单说,男性之间滴爱恋就像水面上滴水仙,镜子里滴人影一样是一种自我迷恋滴表现。。。所以,店长才取了介么个生涩但很有深度滴名字吧~
【好吧偶抽了~= =