This fiction is dedicated to Adele, my best friend
who colores my college life and without her the fiction would never come
into being; and to those people coming through my life with love
and the person who taught me that "The only thing that keeps us
powering through life's defeat is our faith in a better tomorrow
yet to come." Wish you, Adele, good luck in Austrilia and thank
you for all the things you've done for me, all the days you stand by
who colores my college life and without her the fiction would never come
into being; and to those people coming through my life with love
and the person who taught me that "The only thing that keeps us
powering through life's defeat is our faith in a better tomorrow
yet to come." Wish you, Adele, good luck in Austrilia and thank
you for all the things you've done for me, all the days you stand by