作者:rosesandstars(爱死她了,文好棒) 授权如下:rosesandstars:Thank you! Sure, as long as the fic is credited to me then go right ahead! 另:特别感谢一下noway姐,因为是她昨晚无意间提到这篇文,我就去要来翻了,咩哈哈 应该是没被翻过吧。。。我纯粹兴趣所至。。。
A Lot of Love,A Lot of Blood(Fernando Torres/David Villa) Rating: NC-17 Setting: Immediately following the Spain v. Colombia match in Madrid that took place in February. Word Count: 2,087 Warnings: Blood, minor violence, Fernando is a masochist. (Fernando多少有点类似受虐倾向= =) Author's Note: The title comes from Florence + The Machine's first EP. 下面放文【我知道有很多亲看过英文版啦,嘻嘻