And unlike the girls’ dorm, which is busy with dieting, the boys receive the VIP treatment at their local snack shop. Due to their fridge being empty, and their dorm not even having a basic rice cooker, the boys frequent the 24-hour corner mart after rehearsal.
不像女生宿舍. 他们热衷饮食, 男孩在当地快餐店获得VIP礼遇. 因为冰箱空空如也 ,宿舍也没有基本的电锅. 男孩排练后 常常24小时窝在饮食店 .
Maknae Sungmin especially does not easily gain weight, stating, “I was chubby when I was in elementary school, but I just began losing weight. I felt like I was becoming a skeleton since my height kept growing and my weight kept dropping. I weigh about 48kg now.”
忙内晟敏特别不容易变胖, 他说 ''我初中时 胖胖的, 但我开始减重. 我感觉我变削瘦 , 自从我的身高增长 体重就开始变轻. 我目前大约48公斤. ''