这是外国亲Reuben花了好长时间才写成的一篇文章,并将於下星期发行。他请大家看完以后请发个e-mail给《The Weekly Standard》的编辑Philip Terzian(pterzian@weeklystandard.com ) ,谢谢他们的工作。
Beijing - "Hollywood—that’s too far perhaps,” said the petite, soft-spoken beauty sitting at the table with me. We had been talking about her making more feature films in China, and I had asked about going beyond moviemaking in China and on to America. The thought of what the world’s movie capital must be like seemed to turn over, and she stopped for a second before answering: “I would also have to practice harder on my English.”
This understated, unassuming nature, and a very natural and unmanufactured beauty, is one of the many captivating traits of one of China’s top popular recording artists, Zhou Bichang, known as “Bibi Chou” (or “Bibi”) to her fans and the Asian entertainment community. We were in a private room at one of Beijing’s more upscale eating establishments; but Bibi was dressed in her everyday style with an artsy T-shirt, plain sports pants, tennis shoes, and a pair of her signature heavy-rimmed glasses. The new iPhone 4 she was playing with that day was as close as she gets to ostentation. During our entire conversation she was the picture of modesty about her talent and ambitions; you would never know that this is a performing artist who has millions of screaming fans who follow her every movement, post endless numbers of messages about her to dozens of b log pages, and have seen every one of her CDs top the unstoppable sales numbers of her previous one.
You would also never know that this sweet, innocent-looking little girl has a singing voice so powerful that it could break glass. She seems able to summon forth such a full-throated, multilayered wall of sound that I suspect some sort of fighter aircraft jet engine compressor must be inside her. Yet she is equally capable of dropping to a whisper in a way that you can tell she is singing under her breath, but with no diminishment in sound quality. It is a voice that is sultry and seductive, with unlimited power behind it. It was once said that Frank Sinatra was the only singer who could sing a semicolon. Bibi is the only vocalist I have heard who can sing the entire library of punctuation marks—parentheses, brackets, dashes, underscores—and her seemingly endless tonal range is matched by an ability to show a full spectrum of inflections and accentuations, and in three different languages: Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese and English.
Beijing - "Hollywood—that’s too far perhaps,” said the petite, soft-spoken beauty sitting at the table with me. We had been talking about her making more feature films in China, and I had asked about going beyond moviemaking in China and on to America. The thought of what the world’s movie capital must be like seemed to turn over, and she stopped for a second before answering: “I would also have to practice harder on my English.”
This understated, unassuming nature, and a very natural and unmanufactured beauty, is one of the many captivating traits of one of China’s top popular recording artists, Zhou Bichang, known as “Bibi Chou” (or “Bibi”) to her fans and the Asian entertainment community. We were in a private room at one of Beijing’s more upscale eating establishments; but Bibi was dressed in her everyday style with an artsy T-shirt, plain sports pants, tennis shoes, and a pair of her signature heavy-rimmed glasses. The new iPhone 4 she was playing with that day was as close as she gets to ostentation. During our entire conversation she was the picture of modesty about her talent and ambitions; you would never know that this is a performing artist who has millions of screaming fans who follow her every movement, post endless numbers of messages about her to dozens of b log pages, and have seen every one of her CDs top the unstoppable sales numbers of her previous one.
You would also never know that this sweet, innocent-looking little girl has a singing voice so powerful that it could break glass. She seems able to summon forth such a full-throated, multilayered wall of sound that I suspect some sort of fighter aircraft jet engine compressor must be inside her. Yet she is equally capable of dropping to a whisper in a way that you can tell she is singing under her breath, but with no diminishment in sound quality. It is a voice that is sultry and seductive, with unlimited power behind it. It was once said that Frank Sinatra was the only singer who could sing a semicolon. Bibi is the only vocalist I have heard who can sing the entire library of punctuation marks—parentheses, brackets, dashes, underscores—and her seemingly endless tonal range is matched by an ability to show a full spectrum of inflections and accentuations, and in three different languages: Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese and English.