俄罗斯轮盘 Russian Roulette 我有多个梦境 I have had many dreams 发散于不同的方向 radiated into different directions 它们缠绕又扩张 they winded and expanded 如五马分尸一样 and torn into pieces 我拿出一把左轮 I took out my revolver 把这些梦填入枪膛 loaded this dreams into the chamber 对准太阳穴 pointed at the temple 静候那清脆的一响 waited for that crispy ring out 砰 bang! 第一发子弹 the first shot 就是爱情要流亡 was love gone exile 四下飞溅的 红色液体 red droplets, splashed into all directions 像极了-- looked so alike 太阳的 耀眼的光芒 that brigt shine of the sun 我英文不好,这翻得可能有文法错误,但还是翻了,只为感觉这湿变成英文后更有味道更有冲击力. 望三叔见谅...