回复:3楼 XDDD~~Really? I don't know, that's how we say it here in the US. I use American English, so I got tons of grammar bugs,thanks for correcting me though~~ 回复:2楼 Thanks~ Pal! 回复:5楼 Hello there~~ Glad to meet more fans of PROTOTYPE~ My friends keep telling me this is a brutal game,but I love the story line. No, I am just studying in the US~~ that's all.
回复:7楼 Thank you, well... I hope I could do better than that...man. 回复:8楼 Dude, Alex Mercer is the man! I mean he is like everything that I always wish to become when I was a child... I mean almost...XDDD studying overseas is fun, well... depends.... I am a gun lover, so US is just perfect for me~!
LZ,welcome to prototype's bar. In there , you will becomes so evil. Glad to see you a woman , too. And.. ur picture is good. By the way , Could you help me with my English..?