"People tell me to pretend this and pretend that, but I don't want to pretend anything."
"With me, what you see is what you get."
"If I see two men or women kissing there's nothing inside me that goes -Eww, my God-, I never have".
"Yeah I am genuinely attracted to anyone that's beautiful. That's true".
"When I see a beautiful woman I'm like -Wow! she's gorgeous!"
"To me a beautiful woman or man turns me on, I honor that".
"Lesbian life is no secret for me anymore, I know everything!". (on researching her character on TLW).
"All my friends are like..Ah you're gay".
"Me not speaka the English, what do you want from me?"
"Anything that will open your mind and make people drop judgment and see things in a true light, I love that"
"I have hot blood too you know, all that sort of Latin thing inside".
"I’m not very good at it. I don’t think I could be in politics. I’d be terrible. I’d be like, ‘OK cut the crap! Enough".
"As an actor I believe the less dialogue the better. I love as an actor to drop my lines".
"Follow your bliss"
"We need a celebration of women (it's women, women, women)" from the MarkyG interview
"What is attractive in a man is what is attractive in a woman as well."
"The empowerment of the human race is something that really interests me, because there lies the solution to everything."
"Listen to me, if I can act with this accent of mine, you can work! There is always a place for everyone.
I'm very proud of my native heritage"
"Growing up I got called "savage", "bastard." Because you look different, you're from a different background and you're not from the same country-you weren't in this country two years ago and you speak another language than we do. But it doesn't matter; it's good, because it trains you to rise above."
"You love who you love."
"Maybe it's the Old American Indian thing that says you shouldn't speak of things you're going to do,
you should only speak of the things you have done."
"It was very important for me to do everything, no body double for me, no thanks."
"I know I got hired for my looks , but I think I stayed because I could act."
"With me, what you see is what you get."
"If I see two men or women kissing there's nothing inside me that goes -Eww, my God-, I never have".
"Yeah I am genuinely attracted to anyone that's beautiful. That's true".
"When I see a beautiful woman I'm like -Wow! she's gorgeous!"
"To me a beautiful woman or man turns me on, I honor that".
"Lesbian life is no secret for me anymore, I know everything!". (on researching her character on TLW).
"All my friends are like..Ah you're gay".
"Me not speaka the English, what do you want from me?"
"Anything that will open your mind and make people drop judgment and see things in a true light, I love that"
"I have hot blood too you know, all that sort of Latin thing inside".
"I’m not very good at it. I don’t think I could be in politics. I’d be terrible. I’d be like, ‘OK cut the crap! Enough".
"As an actor I believe the less dialogue the better. I love as an actor to drop my lines".
"Follow your bliss"
"We need a celebration of women (it's women, women, women)" from the MarkyG interview
"What is attractive in a man is what is attractive in a woman as well."
"The empowerment of the human race is something that really interests me, because there lies the solution to everything."
"Listen to me, if I can act with this accent of mine, you can work! There is always a place for everyone.
I'm very proud of my native heritage"
"Growing up I got called "savage", "bastard." Because you look different, you're from a different background and you're not from the same country-you weren't in this country two years ago and you speak another language than we do. But it doesn't matter; it's good, because it trains you to rise above."
"You love who you love."
"Maybe it's the Old American Indian thing that says you shouldn't speak of things you're going to do,
you should only speak of the things you have done."
"It was very important for me to do everything, no body double for me, no thanks."
"I know I got hired for my looks , but I think I stayed because I could act."