2把技能想象成大功告成。每项技能都会为您提供特定的好处。每个类别最多可以有50个技能点。每个技能概述如下。 巨头 - 每个大亨技能点为您提供10个地产插槽。你用1点或10个插槽开始游戏。 律师 - 每个律师技能点允许你有1个财产与律师完成的文书工作。你用1分开始游戏。 创新 - 每个创新者技能点将使您所有物业的成本降低1%。 房东 - 每个房东技能点将提高你所有物业的租金1%。 会计 - 每个会计技巧点将减少0.1%所有物业的购置税。房产税从10
5Landlord 地产大亨被Libertarian Republic Rating System(“马克思到荣・保罗”)评为“米尔顿·弗里德曼”级别,也就是“放任Capitalism” 正文: Here’s how it works; after getting started with a set amount of money and some ‘coins’, the game pulls up a list of locations in a couple of block radius of your area. Those businesses become purchasable in-game. For example, near me there’s a park, Elementary School, and Subway Sandwich Shop. You can buy a percentage in any of them. You’re then paid ‘rent’ every time someone ‘checks in’ via social