20你没有离开,你只是去了世界的另一端。 你没有离开,你一直都在我的心里。
1And who cares what a handful of posters think who try to run a anti-Stewart propaganda campaign with, drumroll ...ZERO effect. People like Kristen for what she is, she got a Vogue cover, she is getting great roles, her co-stars like her (one in particular wink wink), directors praise her. She will be great in SWATH and people will love her.
2原来KS粉是不能骂KS的电影的,什么电影都不能骂,她演的神马片子都是好片 说她的片子不好就等于是否定她的努力了
3贱货一群 早日攻下百度啊,把黑子事业发扬光大 让全世界人都看到你们的高端大气宇宙无敌 让全世界人都看看你们这群粉(或者是某工作室)是怎么犯贱的 祝某工作室事业蒸蒸日上,某XX早日拿下影后大满贯,称霸中国影坛,横扫好莱坞,灭绝全欧洲
1我全家都是宇宙神作 KS吧就交给你们了,我低调一点,人品都快没了 唉,真给KS丢脸啊,真给K吧丢脸啊,我不该喜欢KS啊,我都配不上喜欢她
11来来来,上大号来骂死我啊,妹妹我就在这里给你骂呢 快来快来 生活多无趣,骂骂更健康
1只是个人看法,不喜勿喷 这些种子不是全都是最佳影片的种子,有望拿到几个提名的也算进去,基本上就是一些班底题材都比较靠谱的影片**··· 排名不分先后 特别响非常近 三月十五日 在路上 撒切尔夫人 青少年 生命之树 Coriolanus 与梦露的一周 战马 谈疗法 午夜巴黎 The Help Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy 龙纹身的女孩
0-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But Melissa Leo as Doug’s depressed wife Lois and Kristen Stewart as a teenage hooker also excel beyond description. Why I haven’t heard the names of these amazing actors before; I have no idea. But I’m sure we’ll hear about them frequently in the future, especially Stewart given the fact that she is still so young and in the early years of her career. May it be a long one. I think she’ll fill in the shoes of Marcia Gay Harden nicely. Stewart is another Natalie Portman or Michelle Williams in the making.
5初次来到这里 请各位多多指教 神马的~ 咳咳。。。不费话了 来自我介绍下 我是CE 你们呢? CE在这里求认识大家~
0On The Road Release Date - November 25? Jack Kerouac’s seminal 1957 book, largely based on the road trips he took with his friends, is considered the defining work of the Beat Generation. An energetic tale of sex, jazz, and the search for “it,” the upcoming film version of On the Road stars past Oscar nominees Amy Adams and Viggo Mortensen, as well as bright young Hollywood talents Garrett Hedlund, Sam Riley, and Kristen Stewart. Given the novel’s legacy, it’s one of the most-anticipated book-to-film adaptations in recent years. Walter Salles (Central Station, The Motorcycle Diaries)
0韦恩斯坦给力把OTR发行权拿到手吧!!!!! OTR能不能拿BP+BD就看你了!!!!
2是真的累了。 我真想回到那个暑假,无忧无虑,开开心心的,没有争吵,没有猜忌,没有误会,没有辱骂,没有对立,没有人指着鼻子骂我,没有我要恨的人,没有恨我的人,没有凭空失去的友谊,没有那么多放不下。 有些人,有些感情,是真的放不下。甚至连个解释的机会都没有,友谊就永远失去了。 我只想好好爱我想爱的人,这不应该是件很简单的事么? 如果可以重来,我宁愿什么也不知道。
1The Cannes Festival will end the long suspense by unveiling US director Terence Malick’s The Tree of Life. The line-up is also expected to include Canadian director David Cronenberg’s A Dangerous Method (starring Viggo Mortensen as Sigmund Freud); Gus van Sant’s Restless; and Brazilian helmer Walter Salles’s On the Road (if it is finished on time); with an unlikely wild card being Francis Ford Coppola’s Twixt Now and Sunrise. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.cineuropa.org/newsdetail.aspx?lang=en&documentID=
0Biographer: Kerouac Would Be 'Very Pleased' With Kristen Stewart, Garrett Hedlund in 'On the Road' Don't look now, but Beat novelist Jack Kerouac's seminal masterpiece 'On the Road' is about to get the tween treatment. The film adaptation draws on a fresh-faced cast, including 'Tron: Legacy' star Garrett Hedlund, newcomer Sam Riley and Bella Swan herself, Kristen Stewart, a teeny-bopper trifecta sure to draw hordes of 'Twilight' fans. The first production still (above) from the hotly anticipated film was recently released and has Kerouac fans around the world talking. While some have questione
2Kristen Stewart in talks for 'Snow White' 'Twilight' thesp to join Viggo Mortensen in Universal's 'Huntsman' By Justin Kroll Stewart Mortensen Kristen Stewart is in negotiations to star as Snow White in Universal's "Snow White and the Huntsman." Stewart will join Viggo Mortensen who, as Variety first reported, is in talks to play the huntsman in the original retelling of the classic fairy tale. Stewart's possible involvement was vaguely rumored at the time, but talks weren't confirmed until late Wednesday. Pic revolves around the relationship between Snow White and the man who is ordered to ki
3一大堆翻译还没有做 OTR总结还没有发 电影总结还没有发 我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我我 要死了
3MY ASSESSMENT: It is my firm belief that the film project for On the Road could not be in better hands. Speaking with the actors for hours o
3尴尬事一桩 有一天晚上下自修,去拿单车,掏着书包却发现钥匙不见了!哎呀,那个急的呀!把书包翻了个底朝天也找不到,还跑去校门口看看是不是之前拿
1哈哈 历史老师大爆料 肖哥不会生气吧···