贴吧:新疆实验中学作者:NoisySelf 2012-07-27 23:07
@NamieのDavid 请你给我进来!告诉你,人在做 天在看,你作孽太多,迟早有你还的时候! 你还删我的帖子?你好意思吗?骗子!你还好意思再回O吧?你觉得你的事情都过去了 是吧!你以为没人记得了?是吧!你还好意思秀恩爱?你男人也是骗来的吧?你也是为了几十块钱Q币骗来的吧?你还秀恩爱?你就是个骗子 你以为这个社会会给你第二次做人的机会?不会的! 各位O瑞尔请远离他,鄙视他,以免上当受骗!!!
贴吧:oricon作者:渠何灏镔 2012-11-18 16:53
本套资源收集了319本心理学电子书合集,全为高清PDF格式! 目录如下 book14 E-Prime实验设计技术 by 曾祥炎 学校心理咨询:理论·方法·应用 by 刘晓明 社会心理学 by 俞国良 心的出路:让你改变的十五堂课 by 伊丽莎白-库伯勒-罗斯 心理与教育研究方法 by 董齐 这些道理没有人告诉过你 新东方大愚求职系列丛书 知识管理 by 德鲁克 哈佛商业评论精粹译丛 发展心理学 第八版 下册 by Newman 当代心理学经典教材译丛 带OCR 行为科学研究方法 by Frederick Gravetter 当
贴吧:阿木爱学习作者:Allen阿木 2024-11-29 10:32
回复:David Gaider谈自己在龙腾世纪系列中创作的一些角色
CHARACTERS - Day Eight: Dorian
角色 - 第八天:多利安

Dorian, as he appeared in-game. This was the work of U Ri So, a character artist from Korea who'd just started at the time - Dorian and Cullen were her first big tasks, and boy oh boy did she knock it out of the park.
多里安在游戏中的形象。这是韩国角色美术家U Ri So的作品,她刚加入团队时,承担的第一个重要任务就是多利安和卡伦的设计,而她的表现大家都知道的,堪称惊艳。
Now this is a fun one. It's no big secret I have a lot of feelings about Dorian, not least of which because he was my first (and only) gay male companion. There's a lot more to him than that, of course (as there should be), and it was quite a trip. So let's go!
Now, DAI is a story all its own, but I'm sticking to the characters. In this case, back at the beginning, the writers were going to try something new: we were going to let the artists take a more active role in the companion creation process.
Why? Because not doing so had caused a lot of problems.
See, here's the thing: writers and artists speak two different languages. When talking about characters, we talk about their story. Who they are. What they want. We'd write up these briefs, huge and full of information... but it was never the information the artists needed. They wanted visual cues.
I don't mean describing their appearance. Sure, we'd usually provide that, especially if there was a story case to be made, but often the artists vetoed us on appearance stuff anyhow so meh.
No, I mean they looked for visual language while we tended to only talk about who the characters *were*.
What would happen is they'd hone in on something visual in our write-up not intended to be a focus. The first write-up for Anders in DA2, for instance, mentioned he was "haggard" after his journey... and the first concept we got was this pale, shriveled man.
"What... is this?"
That was the other trick: sometimes when we DID try to be more descriptive, we had to be extra cautious because the words could be interpreted very differently. You encounter this recording VO, too. A VO note says "hysterical" and you *meant* "really upset" but the actor read "scream like a banshee"
Thus this caused problems, like I said. The artists would struggle, sometimes conjuring details just to give the character *something* but which would change the character... and, to us, the character was created. Done. We were already invested, probably already writing them.
Something had to give.
So this time we wrote a bunch of character briefs - but short. One paragraph. We stuck to vibes and the *emotions* we wanted the concepts to evoke. And we didn't name them. They got titles like "Slick Con Man" or "Ice Queen", so we wouldn't get too attached. Then we handed these off to the artists.
And it worked nicely. The ones that just weren't inspiring we'd discard, no problem. The others had juice... and the artists felt free to play and offer lots of variations because we weren't set on anything yet. A lot of times, what they produced ended up inspiring US. It was a neat back-and-forth.
This is what led to Dorian, in fact. He came from a short write-up entitled "Rock Star Mage" and it really boiled down to "I'm cool and I know I'm cool, so take that you cretins".
And just like that, the first sketches (by Casper Konefal, I think? I bet I'm wrong) were all amazing. Instant fire.
Me: "He looks kind of like... Freddie Mercury?"
Him: "Is that bad?"
Plus there was a monkey. Sadly, we had to lose the monkey.
There were iterations to come, but this was really where Dorian was born: Tevinter mage, noble, savant, and too cool for school.

One of the concept art variants of the "Rock Star Mage" which provided Dorian's initial inspiration. The one on the left was the first draft. The one on the right was the second draft with a few adjustments (bye monkey). There was more iterating after this, but you see where it was going - and it was so, so good.

When did he become gay? Not right away. Like I said elsewhere, we didn't talk romance and sexuality until after the concepts were more in place.
But as we were brainstorming about why this hot shot mage left Tevinter, the idea DID come up that maybe it was because he was gay. Not directly, however.
Homophobia isn't really a thing in Thedas, after all, so at first blush I didn't think that could work. "Rich kid gets kicked out of the house for being gay" wasn't a trope I wanted to explore. But, then again, magister families in Tevinter are *obsessed* with the appearance of perfection, so...?
Any deviation from the "norm" is considered scandal-worthy. It said weakness. It said you couldn't control your house. Now... THAT had real promise. The writing pit discussed it a lot.
So I think it's fair to say that the gay fairy was already circling Dorian even before we got to the romance talk.

A screenshot from one of the Dorian romance scenes, with Dorian resting his head on the player's shoulder. At the end game, I think? So cute. I think this was Sarah Hayward's cinematic work? She did such a great job, and was so committed to doing the translation of story to screen justice.
贴吧:龙腾世纪作者:One Row 2024-12-26 15:35
找不回来原来的骗子david吧了!!!!!! 可能是因为带“骗子”两字所以被和谐了,真的是这样我只能说好家伙了!!!!! 非常难过以前的吧无了,那么多回忆(或者黑历史)都没了。但还是得收拾心情(话说收拾有点久),继续开始,不知道小水伴们都在不在。
贴吧:好家伙david作者:骗子David 2021-04-14 13:41
大家小心在以色列卖HP INDIOG ink 油墨的这家骗子公司
一想起来就要吐血三升啊有木有,小弟我是做HP INDIGO 耗材的。最近国内货源紧张啊,indigo的油墨啊,PIP、橡皮布、金线、图像油等耗材真的很难拿,而
贴吧:数码印刷作者:hPIndigoink 2013-01-08 10:09
海带﹌关于贴吧管理权 以及下一任吧主的各种
@流浪的星星_123 @我是胡奋斗 @岛屿与 @敷敷敷敷衍你妹 @骗子David @lynnrowland @黑色莫西干 @Lonvelykids
贴吧:新疆实验中学作者:最爱小海带 2013-08-15 23:40
顺便问候一下 @骗子David 的英语
贴吧:新疆实验中学作者:舜诺曹 2012-08-22 13:32
@骗子David @茉啊莉茶茶 你俩消失后。。。我一个人寂寞了好多。。。算了。。。突然感觉好落寞。再见了亲们。。。再见了小马姐@敷敷敷敷衍你妹 。再见
贴吧:新疆实验中学作者:android53 2013-06-01 23:30
贴吧:粥粥爱大吧david作者:BlackxxxDahlia 2011-04-03 19:24


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