420亲爱的新异形吧的吧友们:大家好! @迷天 为本吧吧主候选人得票最多者,共计0张真实票数,根据竞选规则,官方最终批准其成为本吧正式吧主。公示期三天。 吧主上任后,请立即填写问卷信息https://iwenjuan.baidu.com/?code=nlec1g,领取各项吧主权益。同时请严格遵守吧主协议 https://tieba.baidu.com/mo/q/newapply/rule?from=task,履行吧主义务,积极投身本吧的发展建设,也请广大吧友进行监督。如出现违规问题,请至贴吧反馈中心进行反馈或者投诉http://tieba.baidu.com/0申请人:@迷天 申请感言:作为异形IP的主题贴吧之一,长期缺少吧主可不行,就让我来管理吧!1240Director Ridley Scott has revealed even more juicy details about Alien: Paradise Lost in an interview withEmpire Magazine. Firstly, he implies that Paradise is the Engineer’s homeworld or at the very least, the origin planet of the Xenomorphs. Most interestingly, he says there will be connections to Sigourney Weaver’s character Ripley in Alien: Paradise Lost but he’s keeping quiet on what they may be. “In a way it is Prometheus 2. It’s exactly the same story. But it was always in the works to be called that [Alien: Paradise Lost]. Is Prometheus actually taking us off course from wher00In an interview with Aussie site News.com.au, Ridley Scott has given a few more details on where they will shoot Alien: Paradise Lost. It’s been rumoured for a while that the Prometheus sequel was going to be heading down under and this week, Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop confirmed Scott had spoken to her. In a new interview today, Ridley Scott confirms he’s hoping to start production on Alien: Paradise Lost in Sydney’s Fox Studios by January 2016. He also mentions that he’s doing storyboards right now, particularly the “bridge of the next spaceship”. “I’m trying to0000000一起灌起来!!!0必是经典之作!3却发现什么都没有。