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    During the most urgent period working on terminal examinations, one of the works from my laboratory is approaching its deadline. How can I work on these two works at the same time? It is really a tough time for me. On the one hand, I want to pay more time on my courses during this eventual days to get a high score, on the other hand I have no excuse for the work in my laboratory. God, give me an indication of the dilemma, please!
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    There are less than two weeks towards the end of this semester, and I have only about 10 days to prepare for the terminal examination. Now it's time to start preparation. I have three courses to work on, which are Software Engineering, Compilers andComputer Architecture. Software Engineering needs to remember a lot of concepts and procedures of analysing and designing. The Compilers needs to comprehend the principles how compilers work, and utilize the algorithms within the compilers to solve problems. Computer Architecture needs to have a overall grasp of the structure and constitution of mor
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    This afternoon our laboratory held the last discussion lecture of this semester. The same as one year ago, it is time for the fellow students to leave. Chunan Chen, Kunjie Chen and Peng Liu are three masters who graduate this year. I remember when Iwas in my sophormore year taking the data structure course, they three are the specific TAs of the course. It was then when I met my mentor today and changed my college life. Time flies, during the three semesters in the laboratory, we have experienced so many anecdotes. We do research together, discuss all kinds of things happened in the outside wo
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    As one of the students preparing for further study abroad, I have to pass the English evaluation tests. While through several years of lacking practice, my English writing ability has dropped to a relatively low level. My Toefl Writing scores of thetwo tests I took are 25 and 24 respectively, compared to an average of 27 among Chinese top students. To make it possible for applying a University ranked top 20 within the US, I have to improve my capacity of using English in a short period. From now on, I will take advantage of every opportunity to write something in my Post Bar. The initial stage
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    RC,今天在网上搜刚考的题,然后就发现你的贴吧里早就有了……膜拜膜拜…… Orz……
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    program gaosi; const maxn=300; var i,j,k,l,m,n:longint; a:array[1..maxn,1..maxn] of double; ur,uc:array[1..maxn] of boolean; row,col:array[1..maxn] of longint; x:array[1..maxn] of double; procedure enter; begin read(n); for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to n+1 do read(a[i,j]); end; procedure main; var i,j,k:longint; pivot,tmp:double; begin for k:=1 to n do begin pivot:=0; for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to n do if not ur[i] then if not uc[j] then if a[i,j]>pivot then begin pivot:=a[i,j]; row[k]:=i; col[k]:=j;
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    试题名称 fall song heightround color 输入文件名 fall.in song.in heightround.in color.in 输出文件名 fall.out song.out heightround.out color.out 试题类型 非交互式程序题 非交互式程序题 非交互式程序题 非交互式程序题 时限 1秒 1秒 1秒 1秒 下落(fall) 〔问题描述〕 在直角坐标系上,有一个小球开始从坐标(x,y) x>0,y>0 处直线下落,每一秒钟一个单位距离,一直到X轴为止。然而,它可能在下落过程中碰到一些障碍物。障碍物可以看成是一些平行于X轴的水平线段,如果
    961103206 9-12
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    F_B_1 8-13
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    F_B_1 8-3
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    全新的界面风格,更多更好的版块,这个暑假,全面开写。 敬请期待!
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    var i,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,v,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,ans,krus:longint;      road:array[0..300,0..300] of longint;      lab:array[0..300,0..300] of longint;      path:array[0..10000,1..3] of longint;      can:array[0..10000,0..50] of boolean;      f:array[0..50] of longint;      mid:array[1..3] of longint;      use:array[0..10000] of boolean;      root:array[0..300] of longint;      pd:boolean=true; procedure qsort(
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    var    i,j,k,w,tt,vv,n,m,x,y,p,t1,t2:longint;    r:array[0..400,0..400]of longint;    father:array[0..400]of longint;    v:array[0..6000]of boolean;    t:array[0..6000,0..50]of boolean;    c:array[0..6000,0..3]of longint;    f:array[0..60]of longint; procedure sort(l,r:longint);    var      i,j,x,tt:longint;    begin      i:=l;      j:=r;      x:=c[(i+j)div 2,0];      repeat  &nbs
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    { ID:tsnoi201 PROG:beads LANG:PASCAL } program beads; var i,n,t:longint; a:array[0..801] of longint; left,right:array[0..801,1..2] of longint; c:char; function max(x,y:longint):longint; begin if x>y then exit(x) else exit(y); end; begin assign(input,'beads.in'); reset(input); assign(output,'beads.out'); rewrite(output); fillchar(left,sizeof(left),0); fillchar(right,sizeof(right),0); readln(n); for i:=1 to n do begin read©; if c='w' then a[i]:=0; if c='r' then a[i]:=1; if c='b' then a[i]:=2; a[i+n]:=a[i]; end; n:=n*2; for i
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    program pingpong; var i,j,k,l,m,n:longint;      za,zb:longint;      wa,la,wb,lb:array[1..10000] of longint;      ending:boolean;      temp:char; procedure wwin; begin inc(wa[za]); if (wa[za]>=11)and(wa[za]>=la[za]+2) then inc(za); inc(wb[zb]); if (wb[zb]>=21)and(wb[zb]>=lb[zb]+2) then inc(zb); end; procedure lwin; begin inc(la[za]); if (la[za]>=11)and(la[za]>=wa[za]+2) then inc(za); inc(lb[zb]); if (lb[zb]>=21)and(lb[zb]>=wb[zb]+2) then inc(zb); end; begin za:=1;zb:=1; while true do  &n
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    我过来捣乱,总没在线上看见你了 zzj
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    求数据生成和评测脚本,我哪里写错了…… 拥有以下文件: /home/palca/OI/judge/check.sh /home/palca/OI/judge/datamaker.pas /home/palca/OI/judge/makedata.sh /home/palca/OI/judge/std.pas /home/palca/OI/judge/test.pas makedata.sh的内容 #!/bin/bash name=test maker=datamaker fpc $maker.pas for((i=0;i<10;i++))do ./$maker>$name.in$i; done std=std fpc $std.pas for((i=0;i<10;i++))do ./$std<$name.in$i>$name.out$i; done check.sh的内容 name=test fpc $name.pas for((i=0;i<10;i++)) do echo Data$i; if time ./$name<$name.in$i | diff -q $name.out$i - ;then echo AC;
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    rc 拜托 明天急用
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    直接发了。。 program p1665; type      sbtnode=record          lsb,rsb,key,s:longint;          end;      intervaltree=record          tot,root,lc,rc:longint;          l,r,m,d:longint;          end; var      ctree:array[0..150003]of intervaltree;      sbt:array[1..18,0..100002]of sbtnode;  &nb
    Palca 2-24
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    那天晚上,走在光华楼的路上,默默想念,一座城市 这座我生长了18年的城市,这座见证了我幼年、童年的城市 我熟悉她的一草一木,一街一楼。她每天都在变化着,在我的眼中,在我的心里 18载春风夏雨,18载秋叶冬雪,18载悲欢离合 半年前,我踏上了前往上海的路。年少的我,不知道这条路通向何方 而直到那天,我才意识到。从此,我将再也不可能在这座城市经历完整的春夏秋冬 我,不会回到这座城市,虽然我是如此热爱她 好男儿志在四方,远
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    { ID:tsnoi201 PROG:fence8 LANG:PASCAL } program fence8; var i,j,m,n,ans:longint;      board,sb:array[0..51] of longint;      rail,sr:array[0..1024] of longint;      pd:boolean; procedure swap(var x,y:longint); var t:longint; begin      t:=x;x:=y;y:=t; end; procedure dfs(x,order:longint); var g:longint; begin      if x=1 then      begin          for g:=1 to m do if board[g]>=rail[x] then        &nbsp
    oldway 11-15
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    天地无情,人间有爱! 舟曲加油!早日度过难关!
    贺叶霜 8-12
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    var    i,j,k,n,min,sum:longint;    a:array[0..100,0..100]of longint;    t:array[0..100,0..20000]of boolean;    c:array[0..20000]of longint; begin    read(n);    min:=maxlongint;    for i:=1 to n do      begin        j:=0;        sum:=0;        while (a[i,j]<>-1) do          begin            sum:=sum+a[i,j
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    program mar;    var      sum,a:array[0..101,0..101] of longint;      f:array[0..15,0..15,0..15,0..225,0..1,0..1] of longint;      m,n,w,i,j,k,s,k1,k2,p,q,ans:longint;    function max(p,q:longint):longint;      begin        if p>q then max:=p else max:=q;      end;    begin      assign(input,'mar.in');      reset(input);      assign(output,'mar.out&#39
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    经过一个下午的努力,我终于将我学习OI三年的一个夙愿完成了。那就是成功AC了一道题:超长字符串 type ar=array[0..1001] of longint; var i,j,k,n,t:longint;      a,mid,num,ans:ar;      start:ar;startpos:longint;            //起始数字及头部在起始数字的位置      pd,done,wangzilong:boolean;      c:char; procedure minus(var mid:ar);              //将
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    var i,j,l,m,n,p,q,t,pre,now,head,tail:longint;      trie:array[0..200000,'A'..'Z'] of longint;      father,next,num,queue:array[0..200000] of longint;      c:array[0..200000] of char;      dg:array[0..200000] of boolean;      dp:array[0..2,0..100000] of double;      win:array[0..100000] of double;      pb:array['A'..'Z',1..2] of double;      s:string;      ch,en,mmm:char;   &
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    var i,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,d:longint; father,left,right,data,delta,mid:array[0..300000] of longint; xd:array[0..300000,1..2] of longint; hx:array[0..100000] of longint; function max(x,y:longint):longint; begin if x>y then exit(x) else exit(y); end; function ask_max(l,r,num:longint):longint; begin if (l=xd[num,1])and(r=xd[num,2]) then exit(data[num]); if r<=mid[num] then ask_max:=ask_max(l,r,left[num]) else if l>mid[num] then ask_max:=ask_max(l,r,right[num]) else ask_max:=max(ask_max(l,mid[num],left[num]),ask_max(mid[num]+1,r,right[num])); inc(ask_max,delta[
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    var i,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,x1,x2,y1,y2:longint; can,sel,v:array[0..8,0..8] of boolean; short,len:array[1..7,1..7] of longint; quene:array[1..100,1..2] of longint; c:char; pd:boolean; procedure dfs(x,y,deep:longint); var g:longint; begin if (x=x2)and(y=y2) then begin if deep=t then pd:=true; exit; end; can[x,y]:=false; if can[x-1,y] then dfs(x-1,y,deep+1); if pd then begin can[x,y]:=true;exit; end; if can[x+1,y] then dfs(x+1,y,deep+1); if pd then begin can[x,y]:=true;exit; end; if can[x,y-1] then dfs(x,y-1,deep+1); if pd then begin can[x,y]:=true;exit; end;
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    { ID:tsnoi201 PROG:clocks LANG:PASCAL } program clocks; const mov:array[1..9,1..9] of longint= ( (1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0),(1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0),(0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0), (1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0),(0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0),(0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1), (0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0),(0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1),(0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1) );    var i,t:longint; a:array[1..9] of longint; ans:array[1..30] of longint; procedure pd; var g:longint; begin for g:=1 to 9 do if a[g]>0 then exit; for g:=1 to t-1 do write(ans[g],' ');writeln(ans[t]); close(output); halt; end; procedure dfs(x:longint); var i,j:longint; begin if x>9 the
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    var i,n,k,ans:longint; dp:array[0..20000] of longint; procedure dfs(x,y,z:longint); begin if z>ans then exit; if x>=n then begin if z<ans then ans:=z; exit; end; dfs(x+1,y,z+1); if y>0 then dfs(x+y,y,z+2); dfs(x*2,x,z+7); end; begin readln(n); if n=0 then begin writeln(0); halt; end; ans:=100000000; dfs(1,0,1); writeln(ans); end.
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    //SRC be locked var i,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t:longint;      root,len:array[1..500] of longint; //SRC be locked function f(x:longint):longint; var s:longint; begin      if root[x]=x then exit(x);      s:=root[x];      root[x]:=f(root[x]);      len[x]:=len[x]+len[s];      exit(root[x]); end; //SRC be locked begin      read(n,p);      for i:=1 to n do root[i]:=i;      for i:=1 to p do      begin  &n
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    1楼 &#25105;&#20204;&#27704;&#36828;&#29233;中国      

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