关注: 7 贴子: 270

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  • 2
    I don't know weather I still love you I only know I had loved you But you're always pretended to tell me that just I try to cheat you I had lost myself in the love what you had gave me I had lost the direction But I decide to forget you,I only want to remember you in the past time Beacse we have a happy member in that time Thank you You had taught me what is the love Even though we had much sad member, I really feel happiness. You are my first loved girl in reality Now I should choose to say goodbye to you Goodbye, my love! Best wished to you, Sincerely hope you can have happiness,and smell ev
  • 0
    我哭的时候,你们在笑 一切都是自己自讨苦吃 在意的,期盼的太多 最后伤的也越多 多希望自己能学坏点 这样就少了太多的痛苦 哭的时候,没有会关注你是否哭了 你的笑或者哭,没有人在意 以后还是不要再傻了

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