6Few days till saying bye No more want to try Already ready to die Those words running through my mind Refuse to hide Chances will no longer arrive Unless i continue to try So far a second time I shout with voice high You are mine Accept my love To所有的同学朋友
37我们还有100天左右,这一百天,我们要品味不多的感情,恨过厌过爱过笑过终将离去,我们还要备战中考,一起熬到九点放学一起凌晨睡觉,想到就伤感@骑着鸭子找小鸡 @90後狂虎帝 @听歌五月光 @容小乔止 @观景窗cup @卡夫卡没有卡夫 @邵帅881 @赛尔王撒盐 @爱吉他小徐
2①欢迎抄袭 .②欢迎水经验发无脑 ③挖坟一律一天,第二次拉黑,想看老精品就安静的看不要手 ④辱骂吧务挑衅吧务10天或拉黑 ⑤欢迎用微博人人等一切社交媒介宣传本吧宣传本吧 . ⑥有笑点与新创意的帖子予以加精 ⑦欢迎出现活捉鸡肉味嘎嘣脆现已加入肯德基豪华午餐我去年买了个表等流行词汇 .⑧欢迎傻比兮兮跑到其他吧露着x脸说自己是本吧来的去挑衅别人 ⑨欢迎傻不拉叽在坟贴里问这也能精? 为何不删? 请先看发帖时间不要以你的逻辑自认
200You showed us that an 18-year-old could play with the best. You showed us that a championship,an exhibition game and a charity event are all must-wins. You showed us how to play chess while others played checxers. You showed us how to hit game winner after game winner. You showed us that an 81 points game is a real thing. You showed us that gold still matters. You showed us how to take an ice bath. You showed us how to score 30 points in a quarter,twice. You showed us the mamba face. You showed us how to demand perfection and demand it of everyone. You showed us how to put big-boy pants on. Yo