0经核实吧主不在意跌倒 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 不在意跌倒吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
26今天收到个很赞的邮件 分享一下 We Are friends,I will be here,never go away
0Ifyou decide to do, then do it. Don't mind the crash. Keep move.
0It was a sickness when I find an important thing to do. It made me become decadent. I bought a pack of cigarettes tonight. What can I do to pass the testing time?
0You are never sure what will happen. Many people didn't have the ideal life. It not means he didn't know how to make it. On the contrary, he knows what he must to do. "If you can control yourself that you can control the world" we all had an important problem which we are lazy. I can't do the right thing at the right time. It made me lost many chance. That all, I lost a night time today. I realise the mistake when I will go to bed.
0I don't know how long can I stick to, but I will do my best to do it like me fall in love with a girl. I got a lot of ideas when I past the new year at home. Many old friend and things remind me that I have to do something to change my life. But when I got school, I Don't know what I do can make me relieved. It was luckly, I find one idea which in a lot ideas can be true,I will do it in the next period of time。
31整天死气沉沉的。。。 哎、、、
9“The Devil Wears Prada”《穿普拉达的女魔头》 It wasn't until 2006 when Anne Hathaway played The Devil Wears Prada's lovable Andy Sacks that we started keeping an eye on her wardrobe. 2006年安妮·海瑟薇出演了电影《穿普拉达的女魔头》里人见人爱的Andy Sacks,也是直到这时后我们才开始关注她的衣橱。 Check out our gallery of Miss Hathaway's style journey from elegant on the red carpet, to sleek on the street, with one or two mishaps along the way!从优雅的红毯造型,到时髦的街拍造型,以及偶尔的一两个悲剧造型,一
112Nothing can't be figured out.The past just can't be reached again. [心] 没有什么过不去,只是再也回不去
0端午节,又称为五五节,因为端午节是在农历的五月五日,是三个重要的中国节庆之一,其它两个分别是中秋节和农历新年。 这个节日的由来是古代中国有一位博学多闻的官吏屈原,他是一位爱民而且又受到尊崇的官吏,但是由于一位充满嫉妒的官吏陷害,从此在朝廷中被皇帝所冷落。由于无法获得皇帝的重视,屈原在忧郁的情况下投汨罗江自尽。 由于对屈原的爱戴,汨罗江畔的居民匆忙的划船在江内寻找屈原,并且将米丢入汨罗江中,以平息汨罗
2221怎样练习才能使英语阅读水平不断提高? 要警惕服“刀枪不入”的“假读”。 很多人天天读英语,可就是阅读水平不见提高,老是猜来猜去地猜不明白,糊175132@不在意跌倒114No one wants to grow old before their time. But you should ignore the number of candles on your cake. Your real age is revealed by how activ3百词斩 很好用有没有 @不在意跌倒165121018862打了两天发现慢慢里面好多单词重复很多,然后查一下,读懂好多对话的大概意思。游戏发烧友必备学英语利器有没有。