4(to bring) Sexy Back. A phrase used to describe something as really hot/cool/now/fly/happening/trendy, or something which has become cool du
0------来自 百度贴吧 for Windows8
1新的一周 楼主的心情很无奈
0It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.
22I thought I was ready for dorm life. I have five other family members, plus a dog, so I was used to noise and being around people all the time. Furthermore, I had spent three summers in an academic program on a college campus. I knew how to set boundaries with roommates, raise and lower an extra-long bed, and I knew to bring snacks for late-night cravings. But there was one element of my college that I was not prepared for. I discovered it on the first day, when my parents were helping me unpack my things, and mom returned to my tiny single two seconds after she'd left for the bathroom her che
0A gray sweater hung limply on Tommy's empty desk, a reminder of the dejected boy who had just followed his classmates from our third-grade r
0Dawn had just broken and the sun's rays were beginning to slowly light up the village clearing. Always an early riser, the Shaman sat in the
0When Bill was very young, they had been in love. Many nights they had spent walking, talking together. Then something not very important had
1Night has fallen over the country. Through the trees rises the red moon and the stars are scarcely seen. In the vast shadow of night the coo
3Our children grew up on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Even my husband and I sometimes sneak one in late at night with a glass of milk.