6471838441有偿分享,必会,需要私我,或看主页410300注册的时候没有提示,只是发邮件通知,现在谁看邮件呀,基本属于骗人订阅的网站。0APP进去也注册了 点照片那个选项选好照片只能上传 不能编辑制作是怎么回事??0有知道的大神吗6112Thank you for reaching out to the MyHeritage Support team. Your message has been received. Here is the ticket number for this Support issue for your reference: #390(马赛克6位数) In the meantime, visit our Help Center to get instant answers for most frequently asked questions, or check out MyHeritage Knowledge Base to learn more about the many tools and features on MyHeritage. Best regards, The MyHeritage Support team7v187643681081193刚开始好好的,然后就开始报错 说Something went wrong30亲爱的各位吧友:欢迎来到myheritage