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415Source:http://weibo.com/2105522977/yySAg6ImF92L放试听。241L for Jewel7Co-written by Jewel and Ty Murray during a December 2000 camping trip in Texas, "Till We Run Out Of Road" expressed Ty's thoughts about life14115Our last several downloads have showcased songs of a rather serious nature, so I thought it fitting to feature a song intended for pure fun4For this months Club EDA download, we’re going to deliver on a long standing request so you can be a fly on the wall during a truly excepti2225请点击音乐的链接下载。(此为FLV版) 楼下放MP3版… 由于是从油管子上挖来的FAN MADE伴奏,质量并不出众。 大伙凑活着用…3Enjoy this month's free Club EDA download of "My Father's Daughter" recorded October 29, 2011, at the Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland.181F百度 http://www.jeweljk.com/music.html851F百度,原地址:上找到的) 115由本人上传,无解压密码。318用Jewel的MV做了一些签名档,上面有几句我喜欢的歌词。做得不是很好,如果喜欢就拿去用吧!13Sourse: http://www.bigmachinemusic.com/story/jewel-news-the_valory_music 虽然没有Jewel的专页,但是还有Jewel的新闻。。41F百度。 先说明一下,伴奏均是在网络上找的,本人及本吧没有版权,请于下载后24小时自觉删除,并且勿用作商业用途 Jewel用作打单的单曲不多,所以有141F百度。 原文地址:http://www.fitpregnancy.com/motherhood/celebs/jewel-sweet-wild-c744忘记共享了。。 http://u.115.com/file/dn1t6lo81http://u.115.com/file/f2e32f7b00 What's Simple Is True (Live) & 手抄歌词 前面有Jewel长长的OS = = On February 9, 2009, renowned director4http://u.115.com/file/f26d1e0aa5 歌名:Sara Swan Sleepyhead,配Jewel手抄歌词(PDF格式)9http://www.mediafire.com/?mkumlzyozzd Tyrese ft. Jewel - Make It Last.mp3 (7.93MB)9整理自Jewel's twitter.