581楼国际惯例161楼依旧给Jaron叔321楼给Jaron叔211楼度娘2513111151楼度娘256今天推荐首老歌吧,恩叔的Breathless! 封面附上~3哈哈,好久没有见到她了啊,今天就推荐她的新歌吧~ 图片奉上~4啊啊,又是Taylor的歌,哈哈,今天推荐的是Taylor在新专辑《Speak Now》里的一首神曲啊!~2今天推荐谁的歌好mia~ 就她吧 Colbie Caillat~ 很有实力的一位乡村女歌手,我要推荐的歌就是她的Falling For You!也是本人最喜欢的她的一首歌~1今天推荐的还是Taylor的歌哦,呵呵,圣诞节到了,那么就推首应景的歌了,下面就上图!2总结2010年,自己一共听了4000首以前没听过的歌曲, 其中有3700首以上是新歌,这次自选只选了其中100首, 精华度还真的是蛮高的了…… 【希望大家积2今天推荐小美女Taylor Swift的一首歌啊,话说我超喜欢Taylor的,哈哈 下面就推荐她在新专辑Speak Now中的一首我超喜欢的歌: Better Than Revenge!2就从今天开始吧,不定期给大家推荐一些歌曲吧,有可能会做成每日一荐这种系列的吧,希望大家喜欢,也给吧里增点人气吧~ 最近在听一个人的歌,那今天就推荐他的吧,Danny Gokey!261楼度娘11[0:00.645]Havent been in church since I dont remember when [0:07.004]Things were going great [0:09.459]Til they fell apart again [0:12.156]S26那个女的好过分。。。8Jaron Lowenstein is an American singer who formerly recorded with his identical twin brother, Evan, in the musical duo Evan and Jaron. As Jaron and the Long Road to Love, he released his debut single, "Pray for You," to country radio in November 2009. This song has reached the Top 40 on the Billboard Hot Country Songs charts, and will be included on the album Getting Dressed in the Dark.