0经核实吧主Jay杰的灵魂c 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 jamesmorrison吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
4之前看i wont let you go的mv,底下评论说这首歌是写给他抑郁症女友的。是真的吗?如果是真的,他俩还在一块吗?
52well...undiscovered 我最爱...也是我听他的第1首歌,刚开始听我不知道他长什么样..还以为是黑人呢!- -...大家最喜欢他的哪首歌曲?
128从看了《我配不上她》,片尾曲一出来,我就忍不住激动了。 这本是我最喜欢的那一趴声音~居然就这么不期而遇~ 明明就是不符合年龄的声线,继而就去百度了他。 才发现他很多歌,每一首都带着他自己的味道。 又发现,他的每一首我都那样喜欢,都如同曾经听过般,温暖又熟悉。 突然就像个老朋友似的,不知从什么时候开始,耳机里就一直是他的声音了。 是什么时候呢,想起来搜搜他的贴吧好了。 寻找一些,和我一样的人。 贴吧里虽然只有2910我要每天一水!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!83134http://changba.com/s/u1jnIKzLZEFksUUHmQqpBA?&code=Kxhsv6044i 唱吧录制,手机效果就这样,请原谅; 随便喷.....10details in the fabric各种不错,两个都喜欢1325难道他已经flop得屎掉了嘛一点动态木有?回去修车了嘛…2文件名:Undiscovered(LM).rar 下载地址:http://www.rayfile.com/zh-cn/files/2e83ffbd-0e37-11df-a22e-0015c 源文件:http://hi.baidu.com/lovemusical/blog/item/174efb8e50a81ae5f11f3631我先回答,我在全英音乐上他提名的那几句歌喜欢的32Singer JAMES MORRISON has become a stay-at-home parent by building a recording studio in his house. The Wonderful World hitmaker installed recording equipment at his property in Brighton so he can work on his next album while spending more time with his young daughter, Elsie. He says, "I've got a nice little room set up in my house. I've got a drum kit there. It's exciting for me. I'm not (Led Zeppelin drummer) John Bonham, but I can scrape a beat together then work it into the computer and spit it out the other end. And that's the thing, if you've got it, you can practice. I've never really h14James Morrison<The Awakening (Deluxe Version)>13首新曲+6首live+1首预购独有曲目+1mv 下载地址: http://咬咬吾.com/file/dnhijvky#1想不停的听他的歌,又担心审美疲劳。。song for you turth for me 已经有点审美疲劳了,Jason Mraz已经听得有点想吐了0喜欢james的认应该远不止我们吧!!7拜托了,我很想知道啊21We gave James a call to find out what he's been getting up to. In part one of our chat, he tells about his plans for a new album, his home s0