197GATEWAY 3.2 ULTRA PUBLIC BETAPosted on April 27, 2015 Today we are back with another update: GATEWAY 3.2 ULTRA! So let’s see what’s new: – Latest EMUNAND support for old 3DS (currently version 9.7) – New 3DS 8.1 JAPAN region now fully supported (multirom menu and so on) – System Settings 4.5 support for New 3DS! – Built-in NVRAM installer in the Gateway menu (behaves same as the Blue Card Gateway installer) From now on, New 3DS users can rejoice that they no longer need to constantly use Cubic Ninja or Zelda Ocarina of Time to boot up into Gateway mode! With this firmware update, y
9!!!第一次进入 Gateway 模式,请务必立即备份系统固件!!! ================================================ 本帖索引: 1. 如何进入 Gateway 模式,破解主机 2. 如何备份本机专用系统固件 3. 如何选择合适的存储卡 4. 如何安装虚拟系统 5. 如何减少联网破解的次数 6. 如何在两台不同破解方式的主机之间共用 Gateway 红卡 7. 如何降级 ================================================ 1. 如何进入 Gateway 模式,破解主机 截至 3.0.4 Beta 版本的 Gateway 烧录卡固件,支持除 New 3DS(含 LL
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