0经核实吧主ai薇★无休止 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 fcktheworld吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0Three years has been past. Hope I‘ll be a better me. The thing between us will never change. Someday I will have the courage to stand beside you. Hope the dark deep inside you will vanish.
8来个治愈贴吧 早就想发了
44RT 进来的就回个贴子嘛~~~~~ 2L开始
11好喜欢后面那段话 This isn't what I want,but I'll take the high road. Maybe it's because I look at everything as a lesson. Or because I don't want to walk around angry. Or maybe it's because I finally understand. There are things we don't want to happen but have to accept. Things we don't want to know but have to learn. And people we can't live without but have to let go.17@ai薇★无休止 我SB了……什么都没考上……3还没想好会员名叫啥..743借你生日许个愿..口腔溃疡快好,永不复发05希望有个好销量10早上刚查到的0我梦到你……结婚了……7214T.T 泪奔一个,早死早超生……早死早超生……中招中招速度消失……10快来吧 心里没底啊4我不行了!4最早以前看的赎罪和纳尼亚传奇 真的没觉得他帅 后来看成为简奥斯汀 觉得还行 这两天刚看完恋爱学分 和真爱之吻 尼玛 帅死我了!3兴城鸟不拉屎的地方 没有3D啊 沈阳回不去啊 不给假啊1别的学校都放的 3天也行啊 连个声都没有!!0我想看哆啦A梦2011剧场版 新大雄与铁人兵团 中国什么时候会上映啊 着急啊!!01现在在为我的马甲混脸熟626级没过啊啊啊啊啊啊 伤心2你真的赢了。2后天开学 要回学校了...杀了我吧2伤心 P和Katy都没得奖15哇咔咔 我是吧主啦!!! 疯狂的撒花~~~~~~~40百度啊...0百度快通过吧0昨天没来2诶...4