0经核实吧主F2琳琅记 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 christinaperri吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0偶然发现姑娘19年居然有出新曲 Simple things, 而且也太好听了吧!!!!!
0186群号:313554181 貌似是贴吧的官方qq群,我也记不清了233333,没加入的伙伴们进来吧~2这么久没发不会糊吗?342540我词穷了。。。只是常常想水又不敢歪KK 小受什么的楼 于是~自挖一井 以供同志们水个~187我是第一个签到5到底哪个淋屎如此本质?! 二楼上图5lonely Child Just as fast as you came Just as fast the sun set You push me away, you push me down Down, down, down, where my dreams lay And just as quick as you left Just as quick as you left my heart undressed And I felt down, down, down, down You took my wish back to the well And I remember all the words that you said That love is just a spark that starts in your heart And into your head Darling calm down, calm down You lose yourself in the clouds Slow down, slow down Your world's spinning around Play your right team, hard stay, restless running wild Just a lonely, just a lonely lonely child13更新于姑娘的官方U2B频道 以下是姑娘对这首歌的解释【完全不知道会不会放在二专里但是好好听啊!!! i wrote this song for the twloha shows and for anyone who might be in a bad place right now... 另外那个视频我扒不下来... @JaneXDD310670秋风清,秋月明。落叶聚还散,寒鸦栖复惊。相思相见知何日,此时此夜难为情。254新人先来个human 表示在全民k歌录了一个human真假音着实转换不过来了…前面太低…求不笑118【唱歌】喜欢唱歌的朋友们,都进来唱一首吧611二楼地址 视频以及资源下载来自微博@Luv_DC5百老汇音乐剧《Finding Neverland》音乐剧原声专辑封面及最终官方曲目出炉!Christina Aguilera、Jon Bon Jovi、Jessie J、John Legend、Rita Ora、Ni1331尼玛的度娘,居然删我的贴,难道是因为我用了115的网址。。。 好吧重新编辑一次,再抽我不管了啊 哎,下了很久一直懒得传,看吧里有人需要就搞一搞了29