0经核实吧主arther128 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 arther128吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
1不行我要@人 @甜美是微笑 @392487163 @浓浓de绿 @爱の过去式 @冷菱42 @断翅柒染 好吧其他的我想不起来……
0某公司车间角落放置了一架工作使用的梯子。为了防止梯子倒下伤着人,工作人员特意在旁边写了条幅“注意安全”。一次,一位客户前来洽谈合作事宜,留意到这个条幅,最后建议将条幅改成“不用时请将梯子横放”。 事情虽小,却告诉我们一个朴实的道理:授之以鱼,不如授之以渔,即只有指给人们解决问题的根本方法,才能彻底解决问题。 那么,怎样才能做到授之以渔呢? 授之以渔,必须讲究科学的方法。 就这个事情来说,写
0这平静无澜的日子一天天按部就班地过着。 平静的生活中有突袭的灾难,晴朗的天空下有挥之不去的阴霾。 八月十日那天,我听到你的噩耗,又惊又吓,你比我年纪稍长,虽然你我素未谋面,唉!一个年轻的生命啊! 连我这样一个与你素昧平生的人都觉得可惜,更何况你的家人呢? 世界上最痛苦的事,莫过于白发人送黑发人,然而,逝者已逝,生者须坚强,但我们却不知道以怎样的一个理由或怎样一个方式,让他们去坚强,去慢慢地接
0静坐书屋,盘膝而坐,握一本古书,捧一杯新茶,茶香,书香,满目满嘴,不亦乐乎?! 这一种温馨浓郁的感觉你可曾有过,或者已经是很久以前的事了?也许,经济快速发展的今天,我们渐渐地在习惯于电脑屏幕前的安详,习惯于在机器前适应机器。不可否认的是,电脑的确给我们的生活带来更大的方便,它快捷,更新速度快,很适合我们今天的社会,但是,快节奏的生活之外,我们是不是也需要一些安闲,一丝平静,一种在书香中超然物外而非
0什么叫“自然界”?这三个普通的字组合在一起却让我们产生敬畏。千百年来,人们都在与自然界打交道,在这个过程中,人类越来越懂得如何在自然中生活。这不仅是一种状态,这还是一种境界,这更是一种本能。 晋代的陶渊明,你是后人的典范。多少人都向往你那种“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的生活,你远离闹市,远离尘嚣,只是为了与大自然做最亲密的接触。你懂得如何与大自然打交道,因为在隐居中你拥有了淡然的心态,豁达的胸怀。
0电影《英雄》里有一段经典独白,其意大致如此:世界太大,当你握紧双手拼命抓住,怎么也无法将它纳入手中,但只要轻轻张开双手,世界便在你的手心。拳头握得太紧时,不妨轻轻张开。有时放下,不失为另一种得到。收放自如,大抵是人生的一种境界。 太多的时候,我们需要放开双手。犹记儿时捕蝶,那翩跹轻快的生灵飞舞田间,便惹人一心只想扑上前去,死命抓住,弱小的生命在掌上指尖竭力挣扎,顿失美感。不明就里的孩子看不到飞舞
0With the fast development of economy, various products are full of our lives. However, taking a look around, no one will not notice that most goods are decorated with many beautiful, attractive but excessive packaging. This phenomenon should arouse people’s wide concerns. The phenomenon exists for a number of factors. For one thing, the majority of people are tending to present the gifts which have excessive packaging to their bosses, friends or relatives in festivals. Most of them pay more attention to the appearance than the gift itself. For another, in view of people’s vanity, more and
012.21, the so called doomsday, is coming. Some people say that there will be a horrible earthquake, and Jesus would take believers to heaven. Those who left behind would suffer great disasters until the earth destroyed. From my point of view, this is totally ridiculous and there is no scientific evidence to support it. This argument only causes people to panic and social unrest, which is of great harmful. Some merchant use this saying to promote their goods. For them, it’s an opportunity to earn money. People are afraid of the doomsday so they blindly buy many things at home to avoid going o
0When you learn a foreign language, you must learn more than the vocabulary and the grammar. To communicate successfully, you must also learn the non-verbal language, or “body language”of that culture. “Body language” is a term used to describe facial expression, gestures, and other movements of the body that send messages. This means of communication is so important that we may actually say more with our movements than with words. 当你学习一门外语的时候,你必须学习词汇和语法以外的东西。为了能够顺利沟通,你必须学会那一文化的肢体语言。
0With the change of society, campus love has become a common phenomenon. However, people have conflicting views on this phenomenon. And heated debates are right on their way. Some people prefer to say that love will bring some bad influences to students’ study. They point out that those who fall in love will pay more attention to their relationship and they will lag behind in study. Especially, when they are disappointed in a love affair, they would be in low spirit and have no willingness to learn any more. Therefore, campus love should not be encouraged. But others, in the contrary, claim t
0夜如此快捷安静地来了,白日里的喧嚣瞬间化作无言落寞紧紧的包围着我。 大多数的夜晚,我总是心情不好的。寂静,苍凉,和一点点呼之欲出的恐惧。 人们总说,在夜深人静的时候,总能够激发记忆最深处的记忆,恍如隔世般遥远的最初的理想以及当年热血沸腾的激情,而我,根本不需要想起什么,因为我从来没有忘记过。对于未来这东西,其实我一直都还是相信的,当然,只是相信。 时过境迁,我早已不是那个无忧无虑且毫无顾忌的