41现在还能刷钱吗?游戏几百买的越玩越无聊啊0昨天刚下的一插方向盘就崩溃,拔掉能正常玩怎么回事有没有解决办法#飙酷车神#1540想入手XBOX平台的,怎么入手性价比高0有没有遇到过的兄弟,最近比较频繁,只要传送过去就会崩溃闪退,跑比赛没问题。3这游戏不能自由切换白天黑夜吗?2有没有大佬知道恐龙弯赛道维修站拍照任务找了好久找不到04100有人完成了CHASE SQUAD里CODE-10 圆滚滚这个挑战了嘛 不知道怎么开出来翻滚这个特技 求大佬帮忙1这游戏感觉都没什么人玩01623如题,加速器也开了电脑重启了还是无法链接服务器0_1030我用魔爪r3玩,每次退游戏进去都要重新设置键位,好麻烦啊,要怎么保存键位?200下了demo,入正后有没有免下载的办法。14想问一下我2里有一部分车,然后在3里继承,要是以后2里再买了新车3里还可以继续继承吗?5想问下大佬们试玩版存档是Uplay版的,如果买Steam版关联Uplay存档可以继承吗?14每次游戏内好友邀请我,游戏内打开Ubisoft Connet都是很卡,还关不掉,这是怎么回事?2拍照地点“哈雷瓦公园大树”在哪,有没有好心人帮忙过任务😊3“911高速路”测试: Porsche 919 Street 2017 2:04.928(氮气极速480) Nissan GT-R50 by Italdesign 2:06.809(氮气极速474) Liberty Walk McLaren 720S Spider 2:07.393(氮气极速470) Jaguar XJ220 2:08.204(氮气极速471,2代导入车辆,作为TC2垫底的超跑在TCM居然不是最差的) 以上均为我的“无端猜测”,懂自懂 #飙酷车神3##飙酷车神2#2244这不就是标准的网游骗在线时长套路,怪不得要全程联网,开始还以为是和业内一样的联机游戏2手柄转动方向键,视角也一起转,uplay平台,请问该如何解决,驱动也更新了83102还没怎么玩,打算5小时玩完之后玩2,等打折了再买40Today, we were thrilled to give you a first look at our program for the year to come. In Year 2, Motorfest will continue to grow, with more Seasons, cars, and Playlists! And that's not even the biggest news. A WHOLE NEW WORLD We'll start with Season 5 and a huge announcement. We know many of you love spending hours exploring our beautiful open world. So - what about discovering a whole new playground? YES! A brand-new Hawaiian island will be added to the game at the launch of Season 5 - in November 2024 - for free! Maui, a captivating jewel in the Hawaiian crown - the island embodies an exquis0undefined The passion is the same, only the methods vary - Restomod, Designer Customizations, Classic American and JDM tweaks and adaptations. Customization as the single best way of expressing yourself within the very open court of car culture is something to be celebrated, but also nourished. This season we not only recognize car customization culture, but provide all the tools to live it, and participate in it... and maybe even educate yourself, setting you off on your own Custom Journey! The Motorfest shows off two mythical universes of the US Custom Culture: Donk and Lowrider. Two communi