0经核实吧主喇喇小思 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 露and护foever吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
8中国十大装饰设计公司/室内设计公司榜中榜 1 业之峰装饰公司 (领导品牌) 2 北京龙发装饰公司 (领导品牌) 3 东易日盛装饰公司 (领导品牌) 4 中国装饰有限公司 (领导品牌) 5 北京轻舟装饰公司 (知名品牌) 6 深圳市建筑装饰(集团)有限公司 (知名品牌) 7 星艺装饰公司 (知名品牌) 8 亚光亚装饰公司 (知名品牌) 9 鸿扬家装公司 (知名品牌) 10 成都新空间家装公司 (知名品牌)
3鑫佰力装饰设计公司 http://www.028xbl.com/shejishi.html
1亲爱的小思,又大一岁了,要乖乖听麻妈的话哦~ 生日happy~
0I thought you'd be out of my mind And i'd finally found a way to learn to live without you I thought it was just a matter of time Till i had a hundred reasons not to think about you But it's just not so And after all this time, i still can't let go I've still got your face Painted on my heart Scrawled upon my soul Etched upon my memory, baby I've got your kiss Still burning on my lips The touch of my fingertips This love so deep inside of me, baby I've tried everything that i can To get my heart to forget you But it just can't seem to I guess it
0TO learn english for me now is a very boring thing , I have no idea which book can help me nobody help me IT is more boring I have no intesting to learn it But I still love to listen english songs i still want to go aboad to make my dream come ture so i must not give up I trust myself
0超越边界 原罪
2Now what if I never kiss your lips again or feel the touch of your sweet embrace How would I ever go on Well someday love is going to lead you back to me but till it dose I’ll have an empty heart So I’ll just have to believe some where out there your thinking of me Until we say our next hello it’s not goodbye Until I see you again I’ll be right here remembering when And if time is on our side there will be no tears to cry on down the road their is one thing I can’t deny it’s not goodbye* You think I’d be strong enough to make it through and rise
0wooho yeehoo if i could escape i would but, first of all, let me say i must apologize for acting stank treating you this way cause i've been acting like sour milk all on the floor it's your fault you didn't shut the refrigerator maybe that's the reason i've been acting so cold? if i could escape recreate a place that's my own world i could be your favourite girl (forever), perfectly together tell me boy now wouldn't that be sweet?(sweet escape) if i could be sweet, i know i've been a real bad girl (i'll try to change) i didn't me
255555555555555\ 伤心啊1 我是不是该去拜佛上香啊!\]
0我该告白了么! 明天他出现就告白,不出现就不说!
1亲爱的思思 元宵快乐! 学习工作都顺利!
3How to Improve Your Study Habits Perhaps you are an average student with average intelligence. You do well enough in school, but you probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily the case, however. You can receive better grades if you want to. Yes, even students of average intelligence can be top students without additional work. Here's how: 1. Plan your time carefully. Make a list of your weekly tasks. Then make a schedule or chart of your time. Fill in committed time such as eating, sleeping, meetings, classe
0徘徊过多少橱窗住过多少旅馆才会觉得分离也并不冤枉 感情是用来浏览还是用来珍藏好让日子天天都过的难忘 熬过了多少患难湿了多少眼眶才能知道伤感是爱的遗产 流浪几张双人床换过几次信仰才让戒指义无反顾的交换 把一个人的温暖转移到另一个的胸膛让上次犯的错反省出梦想 每个人都是这样享受过提心吊胆才拒绝做爱情待罪的羔羊 回忆是抓不到的月光握紧就变黑暗等虚假的背景消失于晴朗 阳光在身上流转等所有业障被原谅 爱情不停站
20“吱呀。。。”缓缓的打开了门,拖着疲倦的身子迈入了屋里。屋内静悄悄的,这个时间,白哉大哥他大概还在工作吧!我放下手提袋,一张精致的卡片吸引了我的注意力。拿起卡片,手,不觉有些颤抖。一护和井上的婚礼,时间是。。。今天。卡片在手中被捏得老紧,心,似乎有点不舒服的感觉。那种刺痛的感觉是什么?我不明白,也不需要去明白。 他们的婚礼,我应该过去献上祝福的吧!因为,他们。。。都是我的。。。朋友啊!还
0思姐~~ 你在哪儿?
1n. (noun) - a name word v. (verb) - an action word ad. (adjective/adverb) - a describing word prep. (preposition) - a word used