03/19 12 24 31 8/19 14 21 32 42 54 63 74 81 10/19 14 21 31 11/19 11 21 32 43 12 19 around lately ran into admired ruining his career pretty sure different changing the color wannabe tried out Except for took lunch performance beginning to unfold On the house in his favor soccer professionally 1A5 14 22 33 43 52 1B 5 on behalf of a couple of minutes greatly appreciated more time building classrooms dorm rooms obviously point better quality more people at least pretty nice spacious rental houses stay in mixed feelings involved in helps them out definitely issue 2A5 12 22 32 42 52 62 2B5 13 23 32
03/19 11 21 31 8/19 13 23 34 44 54 63 73 81 10/19 11 22 31 41 11/19 12 21 31 12 19 anything else someone else either In fact cheer up as bad as describe business suit excutive at all 1A5 14 24 32 43 51 1B 5 favor wondering bring two of my friends definitely supposed to messed up have a great time decorations last minute cooking things great to serve 6:30 three of you 2A5 13 23 34 42 51 3A5 rushed was checking was playing went 3B5 MAY as honest as Can Could as disgusting as 5/5 12 21 32 41 51 62
0孙中山先生的伟大历史地位主要体现在: 1:孙中山先生是中国民主革命的伟大先行者,是中国革命民主派的光辉旗帜。他系统提出了民主革命的纲领——三民主义,并为之奋斗了终生。先生刚强不屈,连遗言都是:革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力。 2、推翻封建帝制,捍卫共和制度。孙中山先生领导的革命推翻了中国的封建专制制度,创立了资产阶级共和国,这是先生最大的历史功绩。为了维护之后的共和,从护法到北伐,孙中山先生时刻都没有停歇
011/19 11 22 32 42 12 19 dead for a moment angry yell at Maybe Probably guest dial in big trouble have trouble with used to memory to make matters worse ridiculous took lunch voice mail available odd telling the truth lying see a good story 1A5 11 22 31 42 52 1B 5 looking for I mean quite a while at the desk whatever Kind of hard for her name impossible totally screwed up pretty clear meet me lobby 4 o’clock good idea try where she is why don’t you how that goes 2A5 12 21 31 42 52 61 2B/5 14 21 34 42 51 1/3 12 23 32 2/3 Nick meets Nick explains Talia decides 3/3 the office gives asks 1/4 1
03/19 14 21 33 8/19 11 23 31 41 53 63 71 83 10/19 12 23 34 42 11/19 12 21 33 43 12 19 here it comes juice bar Aren’t you Do I know you Not yet interesting proposition Keep going Let’s say deal endorse athletic That’s it business card on second thought pay visit 1A5 14 22 32 1B 5 great opportunity audition for such a wonderful show the same night other plays coming along so perfect so great about be invited go for it 2A5 12 22 32 42 51 62 2B5 11 21 34 42 52 3A5 1 was taking 2 called 3 checked 4 was playing 5 quicker 6 more 3B5 12 22 32 41 55 12 22 32 41 52 63 71 第八单元 3/19 12 22 31
0audit depost owe soccer 55 1 1 21 33 43 52 61
03/19 11 23 32 8/19 11 21 31 43 53 62 10/19 21 32 43 11/19 11 21 31 43 12 19 keep investigating have no choice going with beat us to it You’ve got to admit missing something as they seem in this case too trusting skeptical all right working on fair let my emotions color my judgment let me down won’t be sorry 1A5 14 22 34 44 53 1B 5 says at bars to have their parents thirteen years old get drunk you know drinking irresponsibly their kids baby-sitter bar owners this is happening crazy 2A5 We have We decide For one thing We are very We don't 2B5 1 de 2 bank 3 As a matter 4 Take it 5 For one th
012/19sure sounds like stupid a minute deliberately from college works for recognize teammate both excuse us media you’ve got that right get it worry you getting some pressure sit out badly frankly win without you 1B 5 the whole story on the phone this rebate A hundred dollars supposed to of the camera nice about it serial number is gone Oh man 800
01/3 11 21 2/3 11 23 3/3 12 21 33 42 53 63 2/5 4 4 2 1/3 12 23
0NO.4 3/19 11 21 33 8/19 12 23 32 42 53 10/19 13 23 32 42 11/19 12 23 31 41 12 19 listen your side of the story Nope all alike judge me trust only goal helping win deal with mess charges serious threw a game gambling debts gave access to stop from Did you or didn’t you throw the game get show viewers Take your pick innocent 1A/5 12 23 31 42 51 1B 5 ran into my gosh doing fantastic the same old how exciting perfect for or something like that a boring job gets to telemarketing telephone company 2A/5 13 22 32 42 2B/5 3A 5 a a the a 5/5 I think I know you How have you NO., I'm af It was great
0NO.3 2A 5 fig out inv result make se rui 2B 5 very risk one of the trust in to a
0要点 1,电极不一定是氧化还原剂。但是氧化还原剂都在两级上反应 2.电解质必参加点极反应。可以是一极也可以是两极。这样才有动力产生大量电流 3.原电池装置负极必须是活泼性强的。 mg,al等放naoh形成的不是原电池。只是有原电池的原理。形成电流非常微弱。不适合实际 4.确定电解质和什么反应 4.1.根据总反应可以轻易得出活泼金属位于负极。然后根据电解质和总反应得出正极反应 4.2.如果总反应没有电解质。那么一定是在两级反应的时候既消耗
61 现在是表姐和柠檬姐21岁生日,生日快乐! 2 今天我有个朋友说他在今年五一的时候已经不是处男,我惶恐.3我现在才知道补习班的男生在私下称呼我为白娘子.被吓了.4今晚上网被一个老男人勾搭问号码,果断拒绝.5每天都来我贴吧的人都是爱我关心我的.抱一个
6怎么别人可以去工作你们两个就不同意呢?好吧,我想赚钱好了吧.我都19了19了!人家17 18都工作了我那么老了还不行么?真无语!
1不解释 羡慕死你的爱心早餐 我也想要
4我发帖子就没人说话了 你跟他们聊得挺开心的 我不希望因为我而怎么样 既然我不被欢迎 那就算了 我沉默
1有了你 我不再羡慕别人 这是我追求的幸福