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    经核实吧主sb906衰锅 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 雨落尘吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
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    经核实吧主雨落尘° 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 雨落尘吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
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    诺子潇 4-13
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    Schnai 11-28
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    tuhanjiang 2011-09
    好久没来了 小雨你也没人影了 这里好冷清
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    相关报道- 斯威夫特的另一支单曲《Back to December》则被认为是写给当红男星泰勒-洛特(Taylor Lautner)的道歉曲。斯威夫特曾在2009年底与泰勒-特洛一起拍摄电影《Valentine's Day》,随后二人的恋情曝光,但在12月份时二人友好分手。斯威夫特在说到这首歌时表示:“这首歌献给一位男士,他理应得到更多。他对于我可以说无可挑剔,我们二人曾经有过一段完美的关系,可当时我确没有非常用心对待他。”
    ﹏ゞ6767 7-13
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    everybodys laughin in my mind rumors spreadin about this other guy do you do what you did when you did with me does he love you the way i can did you forget all the plans that you made with me cuz baby i didnt that should be me, holdin your hand that should be me, makin you laugh that should be me, this is so sad that should be me, that should be me that should be me feelin' your kiss that should be me, buyin you gifts this is so wrong, i cant go on do you believe that that should be me that should be me said you needed a little time from my mistakes its funny how you used that time to have m
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    哎.4.13猪肉包也是这天生日。也难怪你们体型那么相似 生日快乐。。。。
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    Echoes In My Head(是一个香港人唱的英文,但是很好听。) Y Lam,中文名林灏扬,出身于香港,现住在澳大利亚,从小受到音乐的熏陶,有一个属于自的Band,梦想是当个钢琴家,很喜欢制作!平生第一次的制作就把Jay Chou的夜曲和2 Pac的Thugz Mansion混音在了一起!在英国学了2年的Music Management和Production,之后回了澳大利亚继续      学习Composition和Music Production。      2010年发布的专辑My Heartbeat是他在他的facebook上发布的一张的自制
    amy·pie 4-15
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    Travelling on holidays . 要暂别贴吧一段时间了。 有事留言... 估计也没什么事···地球已经调至震动状态
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    Look back in silence The cradle of your whole life There in the distance Losing its greatest pride Nothing is easy, nothing is sacred, why? Where did the bow break? It happened before your time And there were people there Lovely as you'd ever care Tonight, baby, you can start again Laughing in the open air Have yourself another dream Tonight, baby, we can start again Only the young can break away, break away Lost when the wind blows, on your own Only the young can break away, break away Lost when the wind blows, on your own Mother, it's cold here Father, thy will be done Thunder and lightning
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    在上网时无意中被一种所吸引。 刚开始还以为是B宝,一想这不是B宝的歌啊~B宝的歌咱都听了个遍。 原来她叫Natasha Bedingfield~赞!从第一声就喜欢了这歌手·cool·    ·迷恋她的声音·
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    歌手:Justin Bieber 曲名:Down To Earth      歌词:      I never thought that it be easy      Cause we both so distance now      And the walls are closing in on us      And we're wondering how      No one has a solid answer      But just walking in the dark      And you can see the look on my face      It just tells me apart      So we fight (so we fight)      through
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    挺不错的歌。 不知道谁有这歌的歌词。 是一首新歌。
    雨落尘° 12-11
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    雨落尘° 11-28
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    不错的歌曲~喜欢这个女歌手~ That original feeling never went away 最初的感觉从没有走远 That's why I’m standing here today. 这就是今天我站在这里的原因 Whoa Whoa So many up and downs 太多的起起伏伏 And nothing has changed 什么都没有改变 That's why you know I'm here to stay. 这就是你知道我为什么站在这儿的原因 Whoa Whoa So put your arms around me 所以抱紧我 And then stay there forever 然后我们一起在那里直到永远 Let it always be this way 最好一直这样 You and me together 你和我在一起 So put you arms arou
    雨落尘° 11-28
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    新专辑里第二喜欢的了、第一是火花~ 不错不错。。。 Superman    翻译SelCampbell (转载请加上这个,谢谢你~) Tall ,dark and superman     个子高高、皮肤黝黑, 他是个超人 He puts papers in his briefcase and drives away 他把文件放进公文包内,驱车而去 To save the world or go to work 他是去拯救这个世界了吧,还是去工作呢? Its the same thing to me     对我来说都一样 Hes got his mothers eyes his fathers ambition 他有着和他妈妈一般温柔的眼神,
    雨落尘° 11-13
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    Ours      我们的 翻译:Selcampbell (转载请加上这个~谢谢你) Elevator buttons and morning air,    电梯上的小按钮,清晨的空气 Stranger silence makes me wanna take the stairs.    陌生人的沉默,让我有了一种想走楼梯的冲动 If you were here we'd laugh about their vacant stares, 如果你在这里,我们会一起偷偷的笑着他们空虚的眼神 But right now my time is theirs. 但是,现在我的时间属于他们 Seems like there's always someone who disapproves.    生活
    雨落尘° 11-13
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    喜欢这首歌!很有节奏感~好像是小美女写给前男友J的吧、 better than revenge 翻译Sel Campbell(转载请加上这个~谢谢你~) (Now go stand in the corner and think about what you did 现在,去站在一个没有人的角落,好好想一想你都做了些什么) The story starts when it was hot and it was summer end我们的故事开始于 在那年夏天结束的时候 I had it all I had him right there where I wanted him 曾经,我拥有一切,我拥有梦寐以求的他 she came along got him alone and lets hear the applause她就这样闯入了我们
    雨落尘° 11-13
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    here we go again i kinda wanna be more than friends so take it easy on me i'm afraid you're never satisified. here we go again we're sick like animals we play pretend you're just a canible and i'm afraid i wont get out alive no i won't sleep tonight. chorus: oh, oh i want some more oh, oh what are you waitin' for? say goodbye to my heart tonight. oh oh i want some more oh oh what are we waitin' for? what are we waitin' for? say goodbye to my heart tonight. here we are again i feel the chemicals kickin' in it's gettin heavier and i wanna run and hide i wanna run and hide. i do it every time you
    雨落尘° 11-13
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    AAAADDD 10-31
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    Owl City-The Saltwater Room-喜欢很久了的歌。开始是听owl的fireflies喜欢上owl的歌,后来又去搜他的歌曲。。。。The Saltwater Room就是一首好歌。。。很清新的歌。一首你可以听整整一天的歌。。。。
    爱爱爱TS 10-30
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    owl的歌中最爱的一首了。。。。                                     清新到极致。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 This is a world of dreams and reverie 这是一个充满梦之幻想的世界 Where I felt the stars explode around me. 在感觉星光在我周围绽开的地方 A grasp light flashed with a gleam as it slashed open a moon beam 瞬息一闪的理解之光仿如月亮光芒
    19950306eric 10-29
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    owl的另一首好听的歌。。。喜欢这首歌。从第一句就被吸引住了。 Are you out there Where the rainy days begin To feel rather sad And the walls are closing in Like the darkness around me It’s so hard to look away When the daylight doesn’t ever stay Above this dull apartment view Oh, I will surround you It’s quite clear that I’m stuck here So I’ll devise a plan And cut out a door in my new living room floor The porch light is so bright That I will quickly sneak down the dark metal shape Of the rusty fire escape I bought a one way ticket ‘Cause I knew I’d neve
    19950306eric 10-29
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    规则: ★各楼接一个单词。 ★接单词必须接上一楼最后一个字母为开头的单词。 我来说第一个: yuluoc
    Heroin_yours 10-18
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    We're sitting here in Ventrilo playing some dota I hear you man We're sitting here in Ventrilo playing some dota I feel you man We're sittin
    19950306eric 10-16
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    19950306eric 10-16
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       ..........无意中搜到这个MV,我已经很久没听BILLBOARD了,更何况是排名90名以外的了- -         &
    19950306eric 10-16
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    19950306eric 10-16
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    小美女的新歌,来自全新创作专辑<speak now>,值得注意的是,这张专辑全是由小美女Taylor自己谱曲填词创作的,专辑将在2010年10月25号正式在全
    19950306eric 10-16
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    看着这麽整齐的一页音乐帖我都不忍心发水帖啊。。。 好多歌都不错!
    爱爱爱TS 10-14
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    《Forever & Always》是美国乡村音乐女创作歌手泰勒·斯威夫特在专辑《Fearless》中的一首美国乡村音乐风格的歌曲。在Ellen DeGeneres脱口秀中,
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    歌手:Justin Bieber曲名:stuck in the moment      歌词:      With you      With
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    黑白猜 If she holla' (if, if, if she holla) let her go 如果她大喊大叫,就让她走吧 Shes indecisive 她踌躇不定的 She can't decide 无法作下决定

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会员: Speaker

目录: 个人贴吧