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    the listing of goddess Ava's films
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    IT WAS Saturday evening, New Year’s eve, 1927. Greta Garbo sat at a tiny table in a tiny tea room in Santa Monica, California. She had jus
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    “Let’s not talk of me!“ she pleaded. “It is New Year’s eve. In Sweden that means so much, so very much. There we go to church and eat and drink and see everybody we know. I have been blue all day. At home, in Stockholm, they are skiing and skating and throwing snowballs at one another. The cheeks are red – oh, please, let’s not talk of me. “I was born; I grew up; I have lived like every other person. Why must people talk about me? We all do the same things in ways that are just a little different. We go to school, we learn; we are bad at times; we are good at other. We find our
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    By Arnold Newman,1949
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