4-Beastiary added to the game, you can access it by pressing the Android back- button during gameplay -You can now buy Monster Identifiers and Boss Identifiers from the Gem Shop -Use the identifiers by double tapping them in your inventory screen -Identifiers will pick one monster randomly on your screen and add its data to your Beastiary -Fixed storage bug where you could not store items anymore, storage capacity is 90 items -Fixed some minor bugs
0链接:http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=1082886345&uk=305551 ==============================分割线 老实说,如果网速可以的话,速度还是很不错的,考虑到这货并不需要什么成本,所以请大家低调使用,小而美的东西让它存活更长的时间,能为大家解决一些不方便的尴尬,再次友情提示,请勿用于不良用途!!