9问题一: Q:Might we see you as Arrow‘s Tommy on Legends of Tomorrow since it’s time traveling into the past? A:I’m all down for it. I would be so happy to be back on Arrow or on Legends of Tomorrow, in whatever capacity. There’s got to be something where an evil Tommy pops up. I want him to be totally different than what he was before. A:他说到很高兴能回到绿箭或是明日传奇中客串, 但他希望在地球二或三饰演跟之前在绿箭的汤米不一样...邪恶的汤米?? 问题二: Q:So Earth-Two Tommy on The Flash? A:Yes! That would be amazing! We need to talk to
91438720第一季第一集 http://www.acfun.tv/v/ac2335988 A站在线观看 稍后放百度网盘下载资源 ps:为什么辣么久了还没人发资源...12512105反正我是没看到吧里贴出视频的,我就自己从youtube下过来上传过来好了 还有,求一切Colin的视频出处326虽然会翻墙,但是不会注册脸书和推特,所以大多还是从ins截来的 争取不重复,如有重复的请原谅83此贴将会贴上colin的ins上与他本人有关的图片,一些食物风景就不贴了,并且将一直更新,之后可能还会贴点其他好友的ins上有colin的照片。这貌似是项大工程啊,希望各位多多支持。0Colin Donnell将出演百老汇舞台剧“Violet” 该剧将在2014年3月28日在美国航空剧院首映 They're on their way! The forthcoming Broadway production of Violethas found its leading men. Colin Donnell and Tony nominee Joshua Henry have joined the Roundabout Theatre Company production as Monty and Flick respectively. The duo will star alongside headliner Tony winner Sutton Foster in the production, which will begin performances at the American Airlines Theatre on March 28. Directed by Leigh Silverman, the musical will play a limited engagement through August 10, with opening nig501、不允许有广告宣传泛滥。 2、发帖措辞文明第一,话题不适删帖。 3、欢迎有能力者毛遂自荐,担任吧务。 4、本着壮大本吧,欢迎大家共享好资源,比如好影音,好音乐,好软件等,如果符合要求一律加精。但发帖格式一律为【Colin-好影音】【Colin-好音乐】【Colin-好软件】等。 未完待续。。。。。。 未完待续。。。。。。11优酷链接: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjIyMTQ2NTQ0.html9Colin Donnell,科林·唐纳(1982年10月9日-),美国影视剧和舞台剧演员。在涉足影视剧之前,科林已经凭借其出色的演技在美国百老汇获得了一定的知名度,而真正让他为大众所熟知的则是其在由大卫·努特尔执导的,改编自DC同名漫画的人气美剧《绿箭侠》所饰演的富公子Tommy Merlyn一角。 科林·唐纳出生于美国密苏里州圣路易斯,是家中最小的孩子,他7岁时开始选修音乐课程与吉他。科林第一次登上舞台是其高中时期在学校唱诗班的杂耍表演。之后他