4http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjY2OTM5Njc2.html http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=1079314964
221L给 目前她养了的3只猫。 都是金丝猫。
35Mine: Lately I've had this bad habit of running away from love. Kind of getting to the place where it's about to commit, and then you just, like, run in the opposite direction. "Mine" is about the idea that I could find someone who would be the exception to that, someone who would be so sturdy and so much of a sure thing that I wouldn't run from it. Sometimes I look back on a lot of examples that I've seen of love, long term, and a lot of times it doesn't work out. There are goodbyes and people get really hurt, so I tend to be a little 'run-awayish.' But I'm never past hoping that at some poin9在CD里的歌词本中,有些字母用了大写的,就把它们找出来,可以看出是一些句子~ 这就是secrect words~10故事是这样的,一天老人去海里游泳 突然邪恶的妖怪出现了 额,怎么办,怎么办、 在这个危机的时刻,老人想到了一句话 信春哥有房有车得永生 于是老人在心中默念 春哥我爱你,春哥我爱你神灯说 哇靠有没有搞错,这么低级的愿望都出来了,还有没有别的、老人还说 我还要无限个愿望、巨人晕了、咆哮着对老人说 不带你这么玩的、我走了,找妈妈去了1Hurting you, is the last thing that I wanna do You said goodbye, when all I did was try Told me to leave, and now I'm on my knees Begging please (Stay with me) Looked in your eyes when I told you lies I held your hand til the bitter end And I'm telling you now That I'm gonna change Would you let me say what I have to say Would you let me do what I have to do Tell me to go if you want me to go Coz for you i'll change Go ahead and say what you have to say Go ahead and do what you have to do Tell me to go if you want me to go Coz for you i'll change Loving you, is the first thing that I wanna do