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01."Stay With Me" by New Found Land. Bridget & Andrew get married. 2."Silent Space" by Jess Mills. Siobhan confronts Henry about his getting a paternity test on the twins. 3."Make It Happen" by Gemma Ray. Bridget tells Juliet the truth; Andrew punches Henry. 4."She's Long Gone" by The Black Keys. Soloman shows Bridget a video proving that Siobhan didn't drown; Bridget confronts Henry about Siobhan's whereabouts & why she faked her death.
51641.Believe Me I Believe" by Anya Marina. Bridget finds the gunman's phone in Catherine's purse; Catherine writes a suicide letter signed by Siobhan then practices a surprised response to news of Bridget's death; continues as Catherine fills the tub and sets the stage for Bridget's death. 2."J'adore" by Adele Jacques. Flashback of Catherine confronting Siobhan about sending Juliet to boarding school. 3."Love Hurts" by Marie Moreshead. Flashback to Catherine & Olivia meeting up. 4."Before You Lose It" by Naama Kates. Flashback of Olivia telling Catherine about the Ponzi scheme & Catherine2914我把字幕都做完了居然吧主都还没有开资源帖!!! 强烈要求跪搓衣板!!!11.Convien Partir" by Gaetano Donizetti. Andrew finds Catherine in the apartment with slit wrists. 2."Monsters" by Connor Youngblood. Henry is informed that a hotel maid has come forward that puts him in Tyler's room just before his death. 3."Promise" by Mirah. Andrew tells Bridget that Catherine kissed him. 4."Scars" by Anna Nalick. Catherine has a heart-to-heart with Juliet. 5."White Gold" by Labyrinth Ear. Victor finds Remy's secret room & finds a frozen body; 6."Marching Song" by Esben And The Witch. Victor discovers that Catherine put the hit on Siobhan/Bridget;9501.Tightrope" by Joy Williams. Juliet arrives at the hospital & Bridget tells Juliet how Andrew saved her life; while in bed with Siobhan, Henry gets a call from Juliet about Andrew; Victor contemplates the tarot card the shooter dropped. 2."Black And White Pictures" by The Dahls. Andrew wakes up to find Bridget sitting by his bed. 3."Smoke and Mirrors" by Gotye. Soloman searches Olivia's apartment. 4."Test Of Faith" by Sea Stars. Juliet packs up her things as Bridget tries to convince her that they only want her to leave to protect her. 5."Who To Trust" by Samantha Farrell. Bridget finds J3应该是去年的 Sarah有表扬影迷呢 “I have the most incredible fan-base...My fans are smart ”7标题打不完鸟。。。。 If You’re Just An Evil B!tch Then Get Over It171."Dance Around The Fire" by The Golden Filter. Bridget leaves another message for Malcolm, then discovers her old cellphone missing. 2."The Down Dumbing (Oh Baby Remix)" by Qwel and Maker. One of Bodaway's girls notices Victor watching them. 3."See Me" by She Keeps Bees. Bridget & Soloman track Malcolm's cellphone to an abandoned building. 4."All The Rowboats" by Regina Spektor. Bridget distracts the hotel desk clerk while Soloman gets information; Juliet meets a guy, Cash, in the lobby of her mom's hotel. 5."Turn Around" by Losers. Siobhan admits to Henry that she was sleeping with Tyler8101L 4 DU.85一些动图和漂亮的图 很久没发了510Andrew再次向Bridget求婚,Bridget意识到自己正逐渐失去理性;Olivia开始怀疑Malcolm来Martin/Charles公司工作的真实动机;Juliet做出一个决定,迫使其母亲Catherine采取严厉的措施予以回应。12Bridget无法与malcolm取得联系,他好像出事了 Bridget去了malcolm住的酒店,发现最后一个见malcolm的是Andrew Siobhan告诉了Henry她假死的原因 Juliet发现家里的某个人与Tessa的袭击事件有关 本集于美国时间3月13日播出,如果中间不停播的话就是第17集22217喜欢就顶个。。11目前招小吧和图片小编 有时间的 有兴趣的在下面说声 (不是会员的就不要留言了 百度不让加) 小吧的任务就是看到广告之类的帖子就删了 看到相关的新闻就转一下 有资源就跟大家分享 然后经常来吧里看看 活跃一下吧里气氛 图编就负责搬图 管理图片库 时间方面要求不是很严格,但是至少一个星期要来几次吧2027326