272213217Pic RON and 123soul. To work in Thailand announced on television gold March 20, 2010.13Ron Today @ Press Conference 10 years Cool 93.00 Paragon 09-03-10 ****** Ron adds a little less dirt. Sore throat a few times. Enough alrea7Ron returned from a Guangzhou to Thailand at the airport last night.29一楼送某某某。。。 拜托真的不要+我啊T T 我不是会员发帖要验证时很痛苦的。。。。。25Thanks to K.++porpor++ for the pics.5Thank you very much for that compliment all wish Ron. Ron asked everyone's wish to return every write. Thank you very much. RON 123 soul.1930วx0E31;น x0E40;กx0E34;ด x0E02;อx0E07; รx0E2D;น 10.02.2112181432283827213112谢谢爱Mew的Canny提供的视频!!!82HAPPY NEW YEAR To YOU ALL!!!172215Ron in Fashion Show@Central Jangwattana Thanks to K.Hugtee, K.onlypotter, K.missmeepanda, K.Sushikonto & K.Toongmeur for the pics.9Thanks to K.Neuron(rungnong) & K.RSD for the pics.17Thanks to K.Teddy & K.Hugtee for the pics.25On last Sunday, Ron & AF team went to have their show in " 07 Show " One of the poppular TV. program in Thai In that day,Ron w311Thanks to K.Neuron(rungnong) for the pics.19RONRON RONRON RONRON RONRON RONRON52Ron's pics from " AF Fan Fest Press Conference " on yesterday. Thanks to K.White Friendship, K.guixanon & K. amhuahin for the16.┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬. .┼┼28From " RONRON GOOD FOR GREEN " from love_soul_love http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=663841407 Follow with the pics Part II Thanks13RONRON RONRON RONRON28RONRON RONRON RONRON52经过申请M次的吧? 结果都是失败,因为有人先创建了Tab吧。 打Tab的全名也不可以,哎。 所以只能创建个俱乐部。 也欢迎大家能到哪看看。 ID116I love Ron very much