27标题:你最爱吃的美食有哪些? China is a multicultural country. We have much delicious food all over the country that come from different kinds. I was born in Northeastern China. There has many dishes that will amaze you. They are really yummy. Here I want to share some of my favorite dishes of my hometown . 中国是一个多文化的国家。全国有好多不同种类的美食。我出生在东北。这里有好多佳肴会让你大吃一惊。这些菜真的很好吃。在这我想分享一些我家乡的我最爱吃的菜肴。 锅包肉 This dish is made of lean meat, sugar, v
407本帖只针对高中及以下学段的,不要问我怎样过考妍啊那些,因为楼楼今年才高中毕业,得实话实说不是吗? 我只讲实事求事的方法而已,自己没试过的绝对不会乱说
61基本上一天一更,周六周日以及父母在的日子可能会不更。8月2日之后就不更了【苦逼补课党】。句子是每天有三句,没更的我会尽快补起来,提前道歉,这样可能会打乱大家的记忆时间。 准高二的我,在高一的最后一次考试里铩羽而归,为了逆袭,也是为了能够督促自己,同时与大家分享,与大家共同进步! 所以发了这贴。 嘛看这情况好像不会有很多人来看的样子,不过我会坚持更下来的。 希望可以帮到大家,喵~
212进入此贴请用英语对话,本人由衷地希望能提升大家的英语水平。我先来 Hi, guys.Do you met something interests?
128喜迎暑假,镇吧神器《单词之美》iOS版全线降价!小学6元,初中12元,高中18元。 活动时间:2013.6.9-2013.7.9 大家速去app store(苹果应用市场)搜索“单词之美”下载。 也可在我们的主页: www.iloveword.com 找到下载地址。 求扩散,你们的支持是我们前进的无限动力。也希望《单词之美》能够在英语学习上助你一臂之力! ----------Android版(免费)---------- 下载方法1: 在【安卓市场】搜索【单词之美】 下载方法2: http://m.apk.hiapk.com/?#searchrslt_%E5%8D%95%E8%AF%8D%E4%B9%8B
28随手拍下你周围令你印象深刻的事物或者故事。可以是你的书桌,可以是你的宠物,当然,也可以是你自己的靓照。我们期望你能用一句英语来描述你所拍下的场景。 ----------------- 我是卖萌分界线 ----------------- 我先来: I was using ‘单词之美’ app when I stood on the top of Mountain Yunmeng whose altitude is 1411m, with the excitement of reaching the peak and my love for our app. 我在海拔1411米的云蒙山顶使用单词之美,心中满怀登顶的兴奋和对这款app的感情。
71If you are a high school student, no matter which grade you are in, there must be a university's name in your mind. Tell us your ideal university. All the friends here will give our best wishes to you. You'd better tell us in English, but Chinese is OK. The format is like: University Name: xxx; Reason: xxx; ----------------- 我是中英分界线 ----------------- 只要你是高中生,无论在哪个年级,在你心底一定有一个大学的名字。告诉我们你理想的大学,本吧的朋友都会为你祝福。最好用英语,汉语也可以。 格式如下: 大学名字:xxx
364Hello,everybody. I'm the landlord of this wonderful bar. Firstly , welcome every one of you. And I'm glad that you all hear my call and join in us. I'm the co-founder of '单词之美' series of softwares. Within our innovative apps ,there are many good study methods of English.It involves much effort and many ideas of us.For the detail ,check the top topic.Many students are using '单词之美' now, they like it very much.I hope you can download it and keep using it everyday. You will feel your progress soon.As you know , English study is not just based on good methods , your insistence is al
144规则:回复单词以前楼单词的尾字母作为结尾,比如: 1#:happy,2#回复:beauty,以此类推。不同楼层不要重复。 我先来:cute
181规则:回复单词以前楼单词的首字母作为结尾,比如: 1#:happy,2#回复:photograph,以此类推。不同楼层不要重复。 我先来:enjoy
424规则:回复单词以前楼单词的尾字母作为开头,比如: 1#: happy,2#回复:young,以此类推。不同楼层不要重复。 我先来:pursuit