3感谢我永远都不用参加那东西 顺便,得知双胞胎才 120 pounds 换算成公斤就是54.43 ……54.43公斤 …… … ORZ
0经核实吧主Padma_Lyn 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 madinalake吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
1this song is the first single on “dresden codex.” we will release tracklisting this week and a series of videos that chronicle the last 2
3初次听很另类,但是越听越悦耳,给人清新的感觉。 就似中毒一般。
1真的挺不错的哦,欢迎大家的加入! 渐渐涎款恁
028大部分乐队的贴把都有这种帖子,我也来看个 我是在2009年的时候在MTV上看到他们的MV。之后去查看这个乐队,然后就习喜欢上他们了:)150谁有Welcome To Oblivion的链接啊 ,,做QQ空间背景音乐用的 。。。急用。。。我怎么找都找不到 在线等 求好人现身25我写了个列表,各位按这个格式就可以了: 基本资料: 昵称: (小名或者你想被称呼的名字) 性别: (可以不写) 年龄: (年月日/年龄) 居住城市:22RP, If Madina has done anything for you, it’s that we’ve managed to increase your patience! and we hear that’s a virtue! Dresden will be126继然来晚了,就祝长假快乐吧,另外感兴趣的关注一下mcr的新砖渥。。。5ML现在正在录制专辑,Matthew已经参与贝斯的录制了! 所以最近估计不会有什么新消息了。 不过各位可以期待一张新专辑(EP) :)4Matthew Leone shouldn’t be walking. Or talking. Or possibly even alive. The bassist for popular Chicago band Madina Lake was savagely beate6今天要进madinalake吧时 少打lake 结果我惊异得发现madina吧 里面都是喜欢madinalake的人额20We have this school project which well take about 4 weeks We can do anything as long as it's related to our "branch" So I am thinking about3130Matthew Leone’s alleged attacked charged with attempted murder The alleged attacker of MADINA LAKE bassist Matthew Leone has been charged w3heyyoo ! just wanted to check in with you guys.. we’ve been on a mission to get things back to “normal” for weeks. pushing ah11i love you so much...2“matthew to earth…. come in earth” “creeping back to life. thank you to every one for your wishes and energy. would not be here without32The governor of Illinois announced yesterday that July 27th is the official Matthew Leone Day.22surgery was a success. for the first time since this incident happened, I feel like Matthew is out of the woods. &nbs