0经核实吧主GreatTMAC 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 gtmac吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
000其实我怕你总夸奖高估我坚忍 其实更怕你只懂得欣赏我品行 无人及我用字绝重拾了你信心 无人问我可甘心演这伟大化身 其实我想间中崩溃脆弱如恋人 谁在0忘掉种过的花 重新的出发 放弃理想吧 别再看 尘封的喜帖 你正在要搬家 筑得起 人应该接受 都有日倒下 其实没有一种安稳快乐 永远也不差 就似这0揉著睡眼的山丘伴晨光崭露 丛林下有野鹭 轻踏泥沼赤足起舞 和谐平静清早景象 谁人曾又坐下来一睹 围著雾的冰水任瓶边结露 凝聚渐厚过后 交汇成川渗31L防偷窥2应该快了.. 感觉差距不大了0disgusting...0a chemical reaction0good~0少拆一路是什么心态~1挖个大坑0faces look ugly when u r alone0我这是多无聊→_→0someday u will find a better place to stay u'll never need to feel this way again, again, again0最喜欢这首^^ Why I should feel this way Why I should feel the same Something I cannot say Something I can't explain I feel you outside At th0and I feel like I knew you before and I guess that you can hear me through this song and my love will never die and my feelings will always1其实我是最喜欢young mountain...又简单又好听..0sonic youth?0balance?3感冒,血压高。 希望能早日康复啊T^T13都多少年了,难道说我终于有机会当吧主了么= =6希望这一年能多对各种我感兴趣而又美妙的食物有更深层次的体会,体会思考的乐趣:) 多思考,多做事0与其在脑海中DFS,对最终形成的局面进行形式片段似乎更有挑战性,比较模糊&抽象。0有点儿沮丧0下的一团糟... 浮躁41L度娘3浮云2Cause this music can put a human being in a trance like state and deprive it for the sneaking feeling of existing. Cause music is bigger tha0右上角!2欧耶耶耶耶第六位会员4I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing thei3T T1134啦啦啦~~~1沉沉啊沉沉3我就从一个马甲成为两个贴吧的吧主了,百度你为什么不让我成为三个贴吧的吧主?!!!!0你敢提高效率吗0