0经核实吧主helenayf 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 e海涓流吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0经核实吧主乖虞儿 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 e海涓流吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0如果你不信,你进英孚吧看好了 不骗你的,都会一群苦命的孩子被坑的惨不忍睹。。。
8最近看了《老无所依》这部电影,感觉很深奥,能给你很多思考。希望看过这部片的朋友可以进来讨论一下,没看过的极力推荐。 最好用英文。
46大家好!这里是 《E海涓流》交友专用贴。大家可以留下自己的QQ、Email、兴趣爱好、喜欢读什么、喜欢写什么,等等。 祝E海小水滴们交流愉快!!
15就是不知道发哪个专栏的东西。。。 She examines her own reflection in the polished wood floor with some anxiety. The glare of the yellow lights above her head cast an unnatural shadow beneath her eyebrows, hiding her eyes from view, but that cannot be remedied now and therefore she endures it without complaint. Her cheeks are sagging from the weight of enough powders and creams to erase every blemish, every imperfection from her skin. Her face, unnaturally burdened by the square, tasseled cap, appears small and pale and more than a little afraid. She discreetly stamp
0viva la vida, hotel califonia, shadow of the day 有人想换的就换吧
11说同意俩字就可以了- -
4Whenever we think about Well Smith, our minds are set on gunshots, road chasing and conspiracy, such as the staff in MIB, in The Independence Day, in I, Robot etc. But this time, it's a story of fighting for survival and dream without those things. It's a story of an ordinary struggle in life to get a job, to raise a kid, to fulfill his dream that seemed so far away in others' eyes. The situation where he had no money, no place to live and only his son companied him, seemed to be the barrier that would keep 99% of the people from insisting on their dream, but he overcame everything. At some mo
12百度英语吧是一个活跃的互动地带。我们有这么多人,因此我们需要给自己创造更多交流英语、认识彼此的机会。 我们已经有了自己的征文大赛。只要有每个人的支持,我们也可以有自己的期刊。经过一番讨论,刊名暂定为“E海涓流” (courtesy to Monolog),取不积小流无以成江海之意,希望通过我们每期的精心介绍,大家对英语语言和各种专业领域、各国风土人情都有更深的了解。 1. 期刊的本意在于鼓励英语吧成员写自己的东西,因此所有内
4英语培训师 2008年10月01日 星期三 00:14 | 删除 请问吧主能否将这篇美文给大家讲解讲解,它到底美在哪里?或者,如果能把它翻译出来,就更好了
5Wized人呢? 始终认为是他~~~ Wized你该请律师 哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~ 开玩笑啦~~~
5Meg Ryan's new film with Tom Hank's son, My Mom's New Boyfriend, is a romantic comedy. The plot is fairly predictable and far from original. The former, you'll see when you see the film. As to the unoriginality, here's an example: art thieves repeatedly triggering the museum alarm trying to fool the police and guards into thinking that the alarm system was faulty and should be deactivated is an idea at least as old as Audrey Hepburn's 1966 How to Steal A Million. And there seems to be a consensus that Meg would have looked better without all the botox and facelifts, Colin Hanks can't act, and
18为了更好地管理贴吧,我们需要一个吧主团队而不只是光杆司令。希望感兴趣、有责任心并且有条件经常上线的吧友们毛遂自荐。 小吧主条件: 1. 有一定的英语水平,责任心强,能保证每周上线 2. 积极参与《E海涓流》的建设 大吧主将从编辑团队中产生。 期待大家的报名!相信我们能齐心协力发展起《E海》杂志,建设好E海贴吧!
4就是关于欧洲历史,艺术,宗教,理性,等等等等。。。的一篇无所适从的东西 ^^ El Greco’s Saint Francis Kneeling in Meditation (1605-1610) closely follows Mannerist traditions in its use of chiaroscuro, or the dramatic contrast of light and dark. Here the face and hands of Saint Francis are cast in ethereal light, while the rest of his body is shrouded in darkness. This contrast (along with the stigmata on his hands) serves to highlight the divine nature of Saint Francis and connects him to the object of his veneration, the crucifix. Although the Manneris
4这主意不错~~~ 刚才那个贴的启发。。还是挺大的。。。 我要申请大吧主~~~ 哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~ 现在还是确认那人是wizedz 我现在我洗心革面用我自己的ID
15Hey, you are gorgeous too!!!!! Here is a brief introduction on how to apply makeup Step 1: Don’t be lazy. If you want to be pretty, always remember this advice: DON’T BE LAZY!!!! Step 2: Apply the concealer Use concealer to cover undereye circles, blemishes, discoloration, and redness. Step 3: Apply foundation I like lightweight makeup, so normally I choose to use loose power. Step 4: Apply blush. I use chocolate brown power blush to soften my check bones. Step 5: Fix your eyebrows first Well, since it hurts a lot, I don’t really do it. ^_^ but actually it is imp
4From the earliest times, marriage has been an important part of man’s legal and religious systems. In addition to the laws governing marriage that each nation establishes, marriage customs have grown up that vary widely from country to country. Anthropologists have studied and written about the numerous marriage ceremonies and customs that exist throughout the world and they make interesting reading, especially when they differ greatly from out own. Let’s look at the US to see some of the customs and the reasons for their existence. Why, for example, do people throw rice at wedding? Why
10【布丁之家】和【俗语起源】。 布丁的稿子很早就交了,interesting and colourful ^_^ 大家快去捧场吧! 【专业词汇】这期就用Rui投的建筑学词汇。Thank you so much for your contribution!!
2buptcsliurui同学(我一般简称Rui),虽然尚未加入《E海》的编辑团队,但是加入英语吧一来一直积极参与吧刊的建设,不仅自己投稿若干,还热心地帮忙征稿,成果显著。现提为E海吧小吧主,相信Rui会成为《E海涓流》必不可少的一份子。 欢迎Rui加入吧主团队! Rui,如果你有兴趣负责某个专栏,欢迎申请!
1英语美文欣赏:康拉德激情的《青春》 背景介绍: 作者约瑟夫·康拉德(Joseph Conrad,1857-1924), 英国著名小说家。他的中长篇代表作包括:《黑暗的心灵》(Heart of Darkness)和《特务》(The Secret Agent)等。 《青春》(Youth)是康拉德的短篇小说,讲述了充满青春激情的小伙子马洛的首次东方之旅。马洛在破旧的“ 圣地”号货船上任二副,他和同伴经历了水与火的洗礼,勇往直前。虽然“圣地”号后来遭到灭顶之灾, 但全体水手分乘
1Forrest Gump Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get." ----From < Forrest Gump > Film < Forrest Gump > is the first film that touched me so much. Passionate and magical, Forrest Gump is a tonic for the weary of spirit. For those who feel that being set adrift in a season of action movies is like wandering into a desert, the oasis lies ahead. Forrest Gump is unfortunately born with a lower IQ (his IQ is 75, 5 below the state's definition of "normal") and the muscle problem. It’s no doubt that people think
5Be Faithful to Your Heart "Some people hear their inner voices a great clearness and they followed what they hear. Such people become crazy but they become legends. " This is the introduction picked from my favourite movie "The Legends of the Fall". I learned a lot from the movie and formed an idea for life, that is, to be faithful to your heart. First of all, to bear this idea in your mind, you could find your aim more easily. Life is such a labyrinth and the world is full of confusion. You may feel confused when you want to set an aim because there are so many choices. Each of them can