171947年8月,玛丽莲被福克斯公司解雇了 那时她还只是个无名小卒,日子过的非常艰苦,经常食不果腹,她租不起房子,每天只能睡在自己的车里 后来她的车子
11------------------------------------------ 转自我家Eminem吧。
0经核实吧主女王玛丽莲 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 齐可心吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0Sus na gi na sal,bol ta ma gus nai lin gi sal,na jah na kanhi noha kanhi,sai nam la sa wa ei tal yu la,suz ma angm la Sa xi la nun alma,ta lai ta Koiz la lin go ya,ayi la klobi in ou kia,jang ala Olesh dai kie mi,san dai yo,konai ha Janim x8 Nong jiu du ha lokin da,seni la hi kle ken nesh, Kiong ha nen
8人是不应该念旧的 应该往前看的 道理都懂 哭过就好
0Midnight Not a sound from the pavement 午夜,大地一片死寂 Has the moon lost her memory 是否月亮也失去了她的记忆 She is smiling alone 看她独自笑得多么凄凉 In the lamplight 路灯下 The withered leaves collect at my feet 落叶开始在我脚下堆积 And the wind begins to moan 而风儿,也开始哀鸣 Memory 回忆 All alone in the moonlight 孤零零地站在月光里 I can dream at the old days 我能梦到那些过去的日子 I was beautiful then 那时的我曾经多么美丽 I remember the time I knew what happiness was 想起那时,我才明白什
1@の_____花凉 老大你一般都写什么内??? 主题是什么内??? 内容又是什么呢???
1一开始你痛苦排斥并渴望解脱 接着你束手无策只得接受 然后你麻木和沉迷 最后万劫不复乐在其中
2默片影星出售 妈妈买它回家 虽然有些走音 还能用来练琴 琴声伴着笑语 叫人浑然忘我 痛苦心酸疲惫 全部烟消云散 哪怕又旧又破 也能余音绕梁 即使无处可去 只要妈妈陪伴 一切无需多言 那架旧白钢琴 依然宛转悠扬 给予一些美好 少了音断了旋 音乐也为你我 直到与你道别 钢琴亦是离去 剩孤单的孩子 祈祷人意识到 哪怕又旧又破 也能余音绕梁 即使无处可去 妈妈不再身旁 沉默依然不变 但那旧白钢琴 依然宛转悠扬 给予一些美好 乐声游荡多年 直到找
6Outside the barracks, by the corner light, I'll always stand and wait for you at night, We will create a world for two, I'll wait for you the whole night through, For you, Lili Marleen, For you, Lili Marleen. Bugle tonight don't play the call to arms, I want another evening with her charms, Then we will say goodbye and part, I'll always keep you in my heart, With me, Lili Marleen, With me, Lili Marleen. Give me a rose to show how much you care, Tie to the stem a lock of golden hair, Surely tomorrow you'll feel blue, But then will come a love that's new, For you, Lili Marleen, For you, Lili Mar
5You take the clothes off my back And I let you You steal the food right out of my mouth And I watch you eat it I still don’t know why Why our love is so much Oh… You curse my name In spite to put me to shame Air all my laundry in the streets Dirty or clean Give it up for fame But I still don’t know why Why I love it so much
1248恶心死了。 你们可以找个隐蔽地方暧昧缠绵么? 非要在宿舍门口??有病吧?18真不明白,一个MV模仿CA,发型模仿Riri,唱歌没感情,喜欢炫技彪高音,台风做作,表情手势各种恶,唱功其实被很多人爆出八条街,她还自以为很耍的歌手有什么值得喜欢的?8好喜欢。 虽然我什么都不会。。刚熟悉了音阶1though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,I will fear no evil,for thou art with me,thy rod and thy staff,they comfort me,4她说听着就跟这女的发骚了一样93演得了黑道,扮得了情圣,亦正亦邪,舍他其谁1半音阶的太贵了,稍微不错的就要好几百。。 名牌的就要一两千,学生党实在伤不起!! 先买了复音和10孔布鲁斯 花了一百多元0唱吧: http://changba.com/s/v442k_7FBcDuha5JVJqUNw?&code=Kxhsv6044i 5SING:http://fc.5sing.com/12556220.html10。 Bless The Child Them thats got shall get Them thats not shall lose So the Bible said and it still is news Mama may have, papa may have But God bless the child that's got his own That's got his own Yes, the strong gets more While the weak ones fade Empty pockets dont ever make the grade Mama may have, papa may have But God bless the child that's got his own That's got his own Money, you"ve got lots of friends Crowding round the door But when you"re gone, spending ends They don't come no more Rich relations give Crust of bread and such You can help yourself But don't take too much00.billieholiday.be/】 .soulwalking.co.uk/Billie%20Holiday.html】 .ladyday.net/】 .billieholiday.com/】 .billieholiday4ever.com】 .billieholidaysongs.com/】16