26新婚快乐~~ (啥时候结婚的...不晓得...) 我们要吃喜糖~~~~还要看Mrs.袁的照片~~~很漂亮吧... 老袁啊,咱说句实在的: 早生贵子哦~~ 当然了,如果有啥亲子教育问题,欢迎致电偶爸爸...
4为什么11班的对刘禹江这个名字那么敏感额... 有什么故事吗? (我是外班的 好奇心驱使...)
5蹲踞:临下而蹲坐状 酬和:酬对奉和,用诗词应答 熹微:形容光线不强,多指清晨 譬喻:比喻 即物起兴:对眼前的景物有所感触,临时发生兴致 引经据典:引用经典书籍作为论证的证据 悠然自在:形容悠闲而舒适 龙吟凤哕:形容非常美妙,抑扬顿挫的声音 腌:用盐等浸渍食物 门楣:门第 苋菜:苋科苋属一年生草本植物 籍贯:祖居或本人出生的地方 城隍庙:祭神庙宇 肃然起敬:形容由于受感动产生严肃敬仰的感情 囊萤映雪:比喻家
3原来12班经营的这么好 我们7班好惨那,没几个人
31BD受.... 一些些漫画... 不是很多.... 大家自己补充吧...
6直译版的……有的没想起来,也有重复的 欢迎补充 Squirrel Big doing Big yellow Erect brother Great brother Bathtub New brother Stand milk Person milk Single brother Small potato Lodger Transfer Sunshine sister Old circle Old person Old climb Old baby Class head Small-fly-fly Afterbrain Fervency chicken Tricky class Small husband Pretend brother Green soy bean Laughing Buddha
8BD受... 补课“同志”???? 果然天下大同了....
4英语范文 1.交通安全 《轻巧》34页 Safety on the Road When we are walking we should walk on the sidewalk. At the crossing, we shouldn’t cross the road until the traffic stops. Don’t play games, read books or listen to music while walking. When we are riding bikes, we should watch ahead and keep both hands on the handle-bar. Don’t carry anyone on your bike. It is not safe. When we are taking a bus, we should line up and get on (off) one by one. Don’t try to get on or get off before the bus stops. 2. 身体健康 《轻巧》41页 January 11, 2007  
4英语范文 1.交通安全 《轻巧》34页 Safety on the Road When we are walking we should walk on the sidewalk. At the crossing, we shouldn’t cross the road until the traffic stops. Don’t play games, read books or listen to music while walking. When we are riding bikes, we should watch ahead and keep both hands on the handle-bar. Don’t carry anyone on your bike. It is not safe. When we are taking a bus, we should line up and get on (off) one by one. Don’t try to get on or get off before the bus stops. 2. 身体健康 《轻巧》41页 January 11, 2007  
21. Here are some suggestions for keeping healthy. First of all, you shouldn’t stay up too late. You will feel tired if you don’t have enough sleep. Second, you should have three meals every day. Breakfast is the most important. Without breakfast, you won’t be able to concentrate on your study in class. Besides, you should eat more healthy food, such as vegetables and fruit. Don’t eat junk food. It is bad for you and make you put on weight. Don’t forget to take exercise. It is very important for you to be in a good mood and keep you healthy. 2.  
61. 她不喜欢乘公共汽车旅行。 She dislikes travelling by bus. 2. 我们希望再次拜望那位老人。 We hope to visit that old man again. 3. 两年前我们学校附近有一个小湖。 There was a small lake mear our school two years ago 4. 当时他们无法忍受那种噪音。 They couldn’t stand that noise then. 5. 你介意我把窗子关上吗? Would you mind my hope to visit ? 6. 什么是讲礼貌? What a
5刚看完24集……好想哭呀,怎么就完结了呢? 再也听不到塞巴斯叫的那声“少爷!”+“Yes,my lord!” 最后,还是取走了夏尔的灵魂…… 不过,最后塞巴斯摘下手套,把夏尔的眼罩扯下来的时候,还小小的激动了一下的说…… p.s.还真的是在原来片头曲最后出现的那个地方,那把长石椅!
1我个人支持adam 尤其是唱Michael Jackson的歌的那期节目
15大范版:(攻男受女) X:我们分手吧…… O:唔,好好吃啊(标准式的摸嘴),你说什么? X:我说,我们分手吧…… O:好啊,好啊,反正你也不好吃…… X:@¥¥@%@… 据大范本人说,似乎把她写得太爱吃了一点,好像一天到晚不停地在吃……
1这可是麻衣的新单 好像还和柯南有点联系 反正不在意 详细的看这里http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=548092713 放心吧 虽然这人叫黑店 可是他找的店肯定没问题 至少不会骗我和秀杰她们几个 想当年他还在22中的时候 我们几个在狂风咆哮的首都机场等着给麻衣接机 结果…… 也许大家听过了 人家坐车从山东来的……
7群号:65613607 大家都来哈~~~~ 多侃侃~~~~~~ 申请时表明姓名~~ 爱大家哈~
9恭喜卡卡西老师连续三年获得MVG我最喜爱男性角色冠军! MVG2008我最喜爱男性角色,参选范围包括2008年活跃在动漫作品中的所有男性角色。最后十强决战!最终结果公布!!
37提名为我认为的…… 1.最爱骂人的人:马春昊 2.长的最具有特点的人:马春昊、苦无手里剑(脑袋像米粒) 3.性格最古怪的人:刘圣坤、李隆坤 4.班里