29原文为Level-D Simulations 767-300ER 英文操作手册FMC 章节 译者:陈新河 特此鸣谢
1Captain Sim 777都卡在1.1好久了…要是1.2真能把1.1的主要bug修复我可就不等你了
12如题 今天看到群里说的 真的吗?5听说是9-11月。现在马上12月了?难道要等2013年吗??????坑爹啊1我们等得都哭了。。。 PMDG777你在何方。。。 敢问路在何方 路在脚下。。。3热烈欢迎我吧。。3怎么修改啊~1Oh, yes we did...16OCT12 Captains- Just a quickie for you tonight... On projects as large as ours- there comes a point in the development cycle where members of the team start to openly wonder"are we ever going to finish this thing?" Then there comes a day in the development cycle where you look up and realize that the bird is really coming together nicely and it is starting to grow light on the eastern horizon... For the 777, today was that day! A few hours ago we pushed a 777 update to internal users that represents some pretty solid forward motion toward having a fully integrated Triple on2记得前两天在飞行中看到了UNABLE NEXT ALT慌乱中忘了什么意思 一顿查找 等找到了 早都飞过了 所以今天特意找了这个 但发现 这个貌似也不是那么全(比如温度那个提示)~多有不足之处还希望大家多多补充~谢谢61楼 此文参考与 机师通用训练教材 特此感谢6灌水8各位朋友好,欢迎来到百度PMDG777贴吧。在这里,你将了解到有关PMDG的消息,学习PMDG777的飞行技巧。但是大家在享受飞行的同时应注意遵守贴吧管理规定。 1.本吧可以讨论一切有关于飞行的话题,严禁不文明语言,攻击性语言。严禁谈论暴力、色情、涉及法律政策等的话题。一经发现予以警告并立刻删帖处理。 2.本吧为了维护模拟飞行插件开发商的利益,谢绝各位吧友在本吧公开讨论有关插件破解的内容。一经发现予以提醒并立刻删帖处理。 3.吧友在2Screenshot preview of the highly anticipated PMDG Boeing 777 Range. Speculation suggests this product will be released from around September - November 2012. But it is guaranteed to be released this year. The 777 (and 747 v2.0) will be released for FSX only Base Release of the 777 will be the 200LR (77L), which will be followed by the 300ER (77W) (Source - RSR) Reasons for this include the extensive list of similarities between the two models, namely their engine performance The additional variants will follow, provided the community has sufficient interest. From my short time here, it would a2PMDG发布777飞行手册 ----------------------------------- ------------------------- PMDG today released the manuals for their upcoming B-777 product. The long anticipated B-777 promises to be one of the most complex add-on's to FSX since the PMDG NGX 737. The manuals and related material released today include the Chief Pilot's Manual, the Captain's Flight Manual, Quick Reference Handbook, Cockpit posters, Flight Crew Operating Manual, Flight Crew Training Manual, and a five poster card set of System Schematics. The Chief Pilots Manua bundles all of these into one package. You can get more7Captains! The PMDG 777 for FSX is taking a decidedly different development path than any previous PMDG product because it is the first product to be built out of a simulation engine that we created during development of the PMDG 737NGX. In the past, every PMDG product was essentially a "start from line one" code project because we were always trying to improve upon what we had, or take advantage of features in the latest version of Flight Simulator. Now that we have a stable FSX platform and a stable NGX platform- the 777 is being built in a manner that completely changes our approach to getti63Captains- Happy Saturday morning to all of you! I have been out of circulation for the better part of a month, so I wanted to give you a quick update on some broader status items... PMDG 777: ========= The 777 continues to move along, but at a slightly slower pace than planned. I thought we would be pushing the airplane into testing late this month, but I think we are looking a bit further down the road before we take that step, as a few developers on the team have had to take some extended time away in order to tend to various family matters. A new build has just gone out to the development t2PMDG777估计又会跳票92祝贺PMDG 777吧成功建立 希望这个吧可以越办越好!! 人越来越多!! 特此祝贺!! San