25如题,相册不好用 哼
21. Greetings Audrey. It is a great honour for us to have a chat with you. How are you doing? -Hello. I feel better. Thank you. 2. We usually start with a question concerning the beginnings of people’s musical careers. Now it won’t be different. Do you remember when you began taking music seriously and what kind of music was it back then? -I started to listen to (real) music very young when I was around 12-13years old. I started to practice way later. 3. Do you have any musical education? Did your parents encourage you to start taking lessons? -I was half-raised by my grandmother who used
4提个小建议@__鱼子酱酱 @Gafi_912 能不能把大吧里那个吧务提醒勿回坟加精
21如题! 还有这吧吧主肿么也没了...
18@__鱼子酱酱 我想要sucide silence随意一张砖 残死, 你喜欢哪张也 send to me ...
10自后Ta"坚持XXX含Metal"论, 已不看ta瞎扯...但四周散播VAMPS 是Hardcore, 很囧, 很XX呀
5rt @__鱼子酱酱
188RT45@__鱼子酱酱14鱼子快来4@__鱼子酱酱 why?569...我明明私人设置了... @__鱼子酱酱2125老娘当年绝逼一傻X!>65308;46rt136rt616Flying Bullets Hit the targets Wings and haloes Five to seven In these white robes Through the darkness Paragliding Back to heaven1027我不爱JB, 亦对JB nc fans 无好感; 但我们有必要去别人的吧搞事或预谋爆{吧}? 别人这样对我们会好受?}网}暴很欢愉?我们比别人聪明高尚? 越来越不想混炒吧6写得烂, 别笑4这是薇子哦哦哦~2我来了!! @__鱼子酱酱7