4Hello everybody! Come here with me to the world of English! 475985591 WELCOME TO My New QQgroup
1在美国待了4年,回国之后,感觉自己英语能力严重下降。于是开始找英语圈子,但是我发现很多群商业化气息浓重,总让我付费学习。于是我建了个群,就希望没事的时候,大家一起互相帮助练练口语。群里不定时的可以用英语聊天,大家听不懂的可以用中文提问,目前群里有一个是我朋友,她现在是英语老师,希望她能帮助我及一些英语小白一起把英语练习好,总之,想进步的私信我。 【我会将群二维码分享给你,广告狗就别进了,恶熏。】
0被人挂电话的英语怎样说? 看看以下便知道
0老师肯定不教的高逼格词汇!😱快记一记! Xeriscaping节约用水的,省水的。 I was impressed with the xeriscaping system in the beautiful garden. 表示你纠结的地道表达,别再说I have mixed and conflicting emotions about balabala, 一个词将你的纠结表达的淋漓尽致!ambivalent, I am ambivalent about what to do after I graduated. 想学习更多地道词汇高逼格词汇,想学习更多口语,与志同道合的朋友交流学习,请加入BBeducation 同城群!群号159546362
5Ciao~ O(∩_∩)O... We are in a group for chatting in English, improving English and meanwhile making friends! If u r interested in, just come and join us~ plus~ we gonna hold some of topic chatting from time to time~by audio ~cheer up~! QQ group number: 186332190
37附带声明:此吧已经成为反英语吧殖民地 反对英语普及者生支持英语的汉奸狗死
14-Mum,I'd like to go to the amusement park for fun. -____________.Anything else? A.Have a good time. B.Take it easy. C.OK,no problem. D.Yes,I'd love to.
0有想学英语的同学吗?想练习口语的同学吗?有想学习英语语法的同学吗?大家行动起来了,快快加入微信群吧,手机随时随地听听力,练口语,交朋友。微信号 bwp0209 注意加微信时验证信息一定要写上“英语交流”四个字啊,否则不会通过的哦。
0Englishstory 吧 我是Englishstory吧的吧主 如果大家对英语故事有兴趣 就来关注一下Englishstory吧 谢谢大家 请搜Englishstory吧 并关注
0我说洋人都兴过圣诞节,中国的春节他们根本不知道是几月几号,更别说今年是马年这种事情了。 结果被老板批评了。。。 现在对着一堆“迎新春”的中国风贺卡苦思怎么写新年祝福语,又要中国风又不能写成Chiglish让老外看不懂!而且客户之间都认识,所以还不能写的都一样。。。。。 看来只有Brain Storm一下了! 我痛苦地憋了几条,写完后顺手还发到华尔街英语微博去顺便参加了他们的一个活动(地址http://weibo.com/1982723861/As5pkgmFQ?mod=weibotime),如
1hi guys:want to chat with you
0hi guys:want to chat with you
10this is englishgarden , why the web pag were always full of chinese characters out there
19good everning maybe you don't know me yet, but I can show something that prove my passion forenglish, such as this article, and then, you know what? the moment I came into thisgroup , I felt excited at first, I didn't know the reason, but it doesn't matter any more, cause I have look out what happened . on the other hand, you could do thattoo. I will wait for you right there.
0旨在锻炼自己的英语水平,群里只用英语交流,希望加入! 群号:301642633
12............. 1 有道英语题不会做,各位大侠 HELP ME,PLEASE The young girls we met in the street corner seemed to be frightened . What do you think ______ made them so? A. that B. / 1 有道英语题不会做,各位大侠 HELP ME,PLEASE The young girls we met in the street corner seemed to be frightened . What do you think ___B___ made them so? A. that B. /
5When you meet a girl who is the one you have been looking for.Maybe you miss her every minute and every second.You should show your emotion and express your love.
18哭墙 镇楼 美国留学群(United States to study group) qq group:【119166200】 Three rule: 1.Please change your nick into english 2.No blue pictures or Advertisement 3.Chat in englishIn our group. We DON‘T want any intermediary and sell airline tickets. 【If you don't have qq, you may go to this website to download:http://www.imqq.com/shanghai/】 We hope you can join us! Students seeking to actively speak to warm our group! 美国留学群(美国留学群) QQ群:11916620【主群已满】 146576000【请加一群】 三个规则: 1.请更改您的昵称译成英文 2
0Rainy in near beijing. Raing cats and dogs here. It never happened before, i mean , this moment, right place, right time...like this, listen..whooshing of the rain and wind , raindrops splashing against the widows, you would easily got soaked through if now standing in the middle of the rain..accompanied with a strong gust of wind, the sloshing tree swaying its brunches, water drippling along the sloths of the roof, i found Im totally drenched in this marvelous symphony music directed by nature. I like observin all this through the transparent windows while all elements are struggling outside
2Seems most of my business relationship with my clients are starting from chitchating. Before award the project,we usually talk about something others instead of our business. In a word, co-operation begins at the base of friendship. However, they are strict once running any cases.
2anyone here?
3插入-------符号(符号靴筒中的字体)------- 字体 《字体(F):(普通文本)此处有一个指向下的箭头(下拉菜单)》 {《》应该是一个长方形方框} 点击“下拉菜单”,按字母顺序找到Kingsoft Phonetic Plain,点击,会出现国际音标 2009-1-4 16:38 回复
1Recruitment Volunteer English, Chinese Teacher, Assistant, Admin Wanted Contact QQ: 1801961081 跪求志愿者中、英文讲师,教务管理,加入 联系QQ:
4群号:259765156 之前加了很多英语口语群,但加进去后才发现大家基本上都不怎么说话,就算说也很少真正用英语聊天,所以今天就干脆自己建了一个群,欢
0新建q群 : 177024374 欢迎大家加入 仅限英语
0i am new here and good to join you
73,26 晚上任丘,李
0englishgardendai考 答案 +962169029