6Original song by me, Dani Shay. Find more of my music by searching Dani Shay on iTunes! (c) Dani Shay 2010. Credits: Cinematography: Jeffrey
59我。。我就是试试。亲们都看见我的申请了吗?不过我会认真管理的。 亲爱的。。你们快点申请成功吧。一个人。。怕怕的
15408144哪位好心人能发给我啊 邮箱1498914713@qq.com 跪求70都进来都进来~224求认识求罩,各种求513各位吧友新年快乐4我居然是第五个签到12恳求出来冒个泡?3谢谢两位大吧给的申请通过102626如果我能担任个小吧主之类的话,我一定多多向外打广告~ 把这个吧人气搞起来~17Dani Shay:这段差不多10分钟的视频是关于我怎样看待Justin Bieber的,我开始注意他时,是当我 去哪里(都会被JB的粉丝误认为是JB,因为长得太像)或想13她的歌迷啊。我在华盛顿街头逛了好久都没遇到,谁告诉我下邮箱,我发邮件给她。谢谢。7491L 球罩.......各种球3Dani Shay: I am stopped everywhere I go because people think I am Justin Bieber. Before I even knew who he was, no matter what I was wearing, I would be asked for photos, autographs, etc... This is my response to that. It expresses my initial confusion, the shock when I finally saw his face, the frustration with people ONLY seeing him when they see me, and the solution I've come to, as a way to balance what fate has delivered. I just want people to dig a little deeper. Anyways, Enjoy!4http://www.yinyuetai.com/video/138892 我不会贴出来,传送门11大家好我是崭新滴新人 来自香港 以后一定和大家一起为天下无敌的danishay努力!谢谢~8她的中文名是什么? 还有详细资料... 知道的能告诉下吗, 谢谢了,172这里依旧删帖封号汇总帖 吧里的规矩还是得照旧 格式不对删帖 匿名发帖删帖 找虐自虐删帖 过分吐槽删帖 如果被删帖了 不要郁闷 来这里看看 如果被封号3This is another original song by me, Dani Shay... It helps me to accept and feel at peace with the Dark, as well as the light. The light is2比我都完美