0-- 7 Billion Humans (2235) -- -- 43: 九九乘法表 -- a: if n != datacube or s != datacube or c == datacube: step n jump a endif mem1 = set n b: mem2 = calc mem2 + 1 pickup s step s mem3 = calc mem1 x mem2 write mem3 drop jump b
0-- 7 Billion Humans (2235) -- -- 41: 图片解密 -- pickup w a: step w if mem1 < myitem: mem1 = calc mem1 + 1 jump a endif drop mem2 = nearest hole step mem2
0-- 7 Billion Humans (2235) -- -- 52: 统计众数 -- mem4 = nearest datacube mem3 = set 0 if w == nothing: tell everyone goodbye endif a: if w == nothing: tell everyone goodbye step s else: listenfor goodbye mem1 = calc mem1 + 1 jump a endif if mem1 == 5: step ne step n step n b: if w == wall: pickup mem4 write mem2 drop end endif if c == 0: step s step n tell everyone hi else: if c == 1: step n step s tell everyone morning else: if c == 2: tell everyone ready else: if c == 3: tell everyone ok else: if c == 4: tell everyone go else: if c == 5: mem2 = calc mem2 + 1 endif endif endif endif endif
0if mem1 > 一个数据块 pickup 这样子这个if不会执行
1-- 7 Billion Humans (2234) -- -- 6: 小小驱虫工 1 -- a: if s == nothing or s == datacube: step s pickup c b: if s == nothing or s == datacube: step s pickup c jump b endif endif if e == nothing or e == datacube: step e pickup c c: if e == nothing and s == nothing: step s pickup c endif if e == nothing or e == datacube: step e pickup c jump c endif endif if w == nothing or w == datacube: step w pickup c d: if w == nothing or w == datacube: step w pickup c jump d endif endif jump a //自动寻路,自己判断方块,右,下路口优先下
36文库审核太慢了,一直显示提交中。 另外这几天不断优化了代码,很多关可以做到一段代码双星了。 此外还加入了很多最快纪录的代码 2楼开始上代码
166双星 -- 2: 歡迎新員工 -- step s pickup c drop
0-- 7 Billion Humans (2235) -- -- 41: 图片解密 -- comment 0 pickup w if myitem >= 1 and myitem < 7 and myitem != 3: step w step w if myitem >= 4: step w step w step w if myitem >= 5: step w if myitem >= 6: step w endif endif endif drop mem1 = nearest hole step mem1 endif if myitem >= 7 and myitem != 12: step w step w step w step w step w step w step w step w if myitem >= 9: step w step w if myitem >= 10: step w if myitem >= 11: step w endif endif endif drop mem1 = nearest hole step mem1 endif if myitem == 3: if se == something: step nw step nw step nw step n step
0假如 1或 2或 3 /1是一个判断,2是一个判断,3是一个判断 假如 1和 2和 3 123是一个判断 假如 1和 2或 3 /12是一个判断,3是一个判断 假如 1或 2和 3 /13是一个判断,23是一个判断 很难确定几和几是一个判断,所以一个如果里面尽量不要同时有“和”“或”
00171很多代码还没做优化345反转流水线,希望高手给个思路。这关卡了。最或者给个说明也行。1-- 7 Billion Humans (2234) -- -- 65: 有序整理 -- if w == nothing and e == worker: mem4 = set 5 endif if w == worker and e == worker: mem4 = set 10 endif if w == worker and e != worker: mem4 = set 15 endif if mem4 == 5: step n step n step n step n step n step n step n pickup e drop pickup se step e step e step e step e drop step sw pickup se drop step sw step sw step w pickup sw step nw drop step se step e pickup se step nw drop step se step se pickup s step ne step n drop endif if mem4 == 15: step ne step ne step n step n step n step n step nw pickup e step w step w drop endif if mem4 == 03-- 7 Billion Humans (2235) -- -- 13: 注入数据 2 -- step s pickup c a: step e if c == nothing and e != wall: jump a else: b: step s step s endif step w c: if c == nothing and w == datacube: drop d: step n jump d else: step w endif if w == wall: step s step s jump e endif jump c e: f: step e if c == nothing: drop g: step n jump g else: step e endif if e == wall: jump b else: jump f endif2212这关有bug吗?最后小人不是把0-5的出现个数都写出来了吗?为什么不能过关? 有没有大佬知道啊??? -- 7 Billion Humans (2235) -- -- 52: 统计众数 -- mem1 = nearest datacube a: if w == nothing: step nw step n else: mem3 = calc mem3 + 1 step w jump a endif b: c: if c == mem3: mem2 = calc mem2 + 1 endif if n == datacube: step n jump c else: step e endif d: if c == mem3: mem2 = calc mem2 + 1 endif if s == datacube: step s jump d else: if e == datacube: step e jump b else: pickup mem1 write mem2 endif endif0安卓或电脑哪里可以下载其前作?