0经核实吧主爱丁堡风笛 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 达伦.弗莱彻吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
1Darren Fletcher admits United's win over Portsmouth could prove vital after the Reds moved three points clear of Liverpool in the Barclays Premier League title race. Although the Reds also have a game in hand on both Liverpool and Chelsea, the Scottish midfielder is adamant that the reigning champions must retain a steely focus to get the job done. "It was a massive result after Liverpool only getting a point against Arsenal," Fletcher told MUTV. "It was important that we came out and won. We’re top of the league, three points ahead and we have a game in hand. "We’re not counting that game
1详见: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%A4%C5%A4%C5%A4%CE#vygbqhg=
5An unwanted disruption "You don't want to miss games for any reason and to miss one for suspension disrupts things for me. We have enough midfielders so I am sure someone will come in and do a good job. We needed to get stuck in against Birmingham and battle and that is what I did. I didn't concern myself with any possible consequences." - Darren Fletcher
5大家辛苦啦,好久没来问候...惭愧惭愧 我悄悄地和DARREN的妹妹KARISMA在MSN中,有进展立刻通报!! 有人去杭州了吗?
3鲁尼和弗莱彻在曼联队内关系最好,韦斯·布朗给他俩起了个绰号“汤姆和杰瑞”。 转自体坛周报记者克韩微博
1Darren Fletcher perhaps has more reason than most to be fired up for Sunday’s visit to Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium. It was, of course, the scene of the 'crime' of his unfair dismissal in the Champions League semi-final against the Gunners last year, which meant United were shorn of his considerable talents in the final against Barcelona. Then, earlier this season after United’s 2-1 win over Arsenal at Old Trafford, Arsene Wenger’s ‘anti-football’ jibe must have stuck in the throat for a player whose honesty is as obvious as his endeavour. But Sir Alex Ferguson refuses to acce
0"My Mom's macaroni and cheese" - Darren Fletcher on his favorite food
1The football world’s eyes are at last wide open to what the boss knew all along – Darren Fletcher is pure gold. The 25-year-old’s emergence as one of English football’s finest engine-room controllers has surprised a few, but his displays have vindicated Sir Alex’s faith in him. We spoke to Fletch – proud father whose twin toddlers make his on-field challenges seem a doddle – about his hard-earned authority as a top-class midfielder... A year ago you said you were playing your best football, but you’ve stepped it up yet another level since then… I’m enjoying everythin
0新浪体育讯 本轮英超总结起来,榜首切尔西取得“钻石”收获;阿森纳隐患爆发、为年轻付出代价;曼联丢失魔性、输球情理之中;利物浦绝境爆发,三人表现最抢眼。 曼联失去魔性 中场思念弗莱彻 利物浦和曼联是上赛季英超冠亚军之争。弗格森赛后表示输的心服口服,这并不多见。红魔本场丢失了魔性,第一点表现是全队都不够兴奋,受上赛季遭双杀影响。心理上似乎有点“怵”对手,拼抢不够勇猛,传接球和推进速度较慢,
3Darren at the double “That was really special because it’s the Manchester derby. It was a top-of-the-table clash of sorts, and it was important that we got three points, especially after the way the game went." - Darren Fletcher
4曼联球员国际赛表现 鲁尼打进英格兰的最后一球帮助球队5-1大胜克罗地亚晋级世界杯决赛圈。 福斯特和布朗都进入比赛名单但没有上阵,而卡里克则连替补名单也未能进入。 其他地方,弗莱彻的苏格兰0-1不敌荷兰,他的世界杯梦想已经提前终结。 鲁尼不是周三晚上唯一一位取得进球的曼联球员:瓦伦西亚在厄瓜多尔3-1击败玻利维亚的比赛中打进一球。 回到欧洲战场,塞尔维亚1-1战平法国,维迪奇和埃弗拉在本场比赛成为对手,
3把弗莱彻吧和这个吧合并了吧!!! 同意吗??
8一楼给百度 不知道为什么只传了6张就死活传不上去 所以只能慢慢补全
2以后我要自己做了就换 你不介意的话我就一直用了
0Darren Fletcher was the perfect player to disrupt Barcelona's possession football, and Sir Alex Ferguson's fears before the game that the suspended midfielder would be a great loss sadly proved prophetic. The United boss recognises that Barcelona also had players missing through suspension, but from a United point of view Fletcher would have been key in disrupting the flow of passes from Andres Iniesta and Xavi. "I thought before the game it may have been a problem," he said. "I knew it might count against us because he is a big-game player and he was a big loss for us. "It's difficult
0Unsung heroes You don’t have to be make headlines to make an impact. Ronaldo and Rooney may dominate the back pages but the Reds wouldn’t have lifted the trophy without contributions from the likes of John O’Shea, Darren Fletcher and Ji-sung Park. O’Shea, especially, proved his worth this season with a string of top-class performances. Whether asked to play right back, left back or even at centre-half, the Irishman got on with the job and consistently produced the goods.
0Darren Fletcher's hopes of being cleared to play in the Champions League final against Barcelona on 27 May have today been dashed by the UEFA Control and Disciplinary Body. The United midfielder was sent off in the second leg of the semi-final victory over Arsenal, by Italian referee Roberto Rosetti. The Reds submitted a protest against the dismissal, but the Control and Disciplinary Body today decided not to admit this protest. Similarly, the UEFA Control and Disciplinary Body did not admit Barcelona's protests against the sending off of left-back Eric Abidal and the yellow card show
0Reds make Fletcher plea Darren Fletcher's last hope of playing in the Champions League Final will be dashed by UEFA. United yesterday confirmed they had appealed against Fletcher's red card in Tuesday's semi-final win at Arsenal. They have written to European football's governing body asking them to review Italian referee Roberto Rosetti's blunder in dismissing United's Scotland midfielder. Uefa sympathise with Fletcher's plight, but insist they cannot clear him to face Barcelona in Rome on May 27. "They are able to protest and it's up to them to decide on the basis of the protest," sa
0UEFA's Control and Disciplinary body will meet on Monday to discuss Darren Fletcher's Champions League semi-final red card against Arsenal. United have appealed to European football's governing body to overturn the dismissal - which rules Fletcher out of the final against Barcelona - because television replays show that the midfielder actually played the ball, rather than Gunners captain Cesc Fabregas in conceding a late penalty. Earlier on Friday, Sir Alex Ferguson had confirmed the Reds' compassionate letter to UEFA, although he admitted that he held out little hope of the decision b
0Reds make Fletcher plea Darren Fletcher's last hope of playing in the Champions League Final will be dashed by UEFA. United yesterday confirmed they had appealed against Fletcher's red card in Tuesday's semi-final win at Arsenal. They have written to European football's governing body asking them to review Italian referee Roberto Rosetti's blunder in dismissing United's Scotland midfielder. Uefa sympathise with Fletcher's plight, but insist they cannot clear him to face Barcelona in Rome on May 27. "They are able to protest and it's up to them to decide on the basis of the protest," sa
1United beat Arsenal 3-1 at the Emirates on Tuesday night to reach the Champions League final, but celebrations were soured after Darren Fletcher's red card means the Scot will miss the match. Fletcher was dismissed on 75 minutes after Italian referee Roberto Rosetti adjudged the midfielder had brought down Cesc Fabregas inside the Reds’ penalty area. TV commentators and pundits all agreed the decision was harsh, while Sir Alex said Fletcher had been “terribly unlucky”. “You can see the ball has moved in a different direction, away from Cesc Fabregas,” the boss told ITV. “I think Da
2http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=571629469 来自隔壁
0London, May 2 (ANI): Darren Fletcher has asked his Manchester United teammates not to slacken off at lowly Middlesbrough today. There is a big contrast between a Champions League semi-final and a trip to the Riverside. Fletcher said today’s encounter must be taken as seriously as their midweek Euro win over with Arsenal, The Sun reported. He said: “It is hard to top a Champions League semi-final, but you can’t raise your game for such an occasion and forget about fixtures like Middlesbrough away. “If you do that, you’ll get hurt. It is why we have to raise our game every time we
4弗莱彻:国家队队长感觉赞 最难对付的是斯科尔斯 体坛网讯 曼联中场弗莱彻近日在接受采访的时候表示,自己希望更多为曼联进球。而且,苏格兰队长表示,自己很享受曼联的生活。 弗莱彻表示:“任何时刻进球都很美妙,但是在大战中进球会更特别,因为在这些进球总是很重要。它们有时候能决定冠军归属或者一支球队整个赛季的成绩,因此在大战中进球感到很特别。这很难解释,苦与乐并存,你会很激动,这正是你看到一些疯狂庆祝
0Darren Fletcher produced another all-conquering display in the Reds' midfield during Wednesday's 1-0 win over Arsenal, and the Scot has revealed he's revelling in his best season yet for United. Top-class performances have become the norm for Fletcher this season, he's been a regular fixture in the first-team this season with 38 appearances and influencing games with increasingly mature displays. "In terms of games played, consistency and level of performances, I’d say this is definitely my best season," he told United Review. "That comes with age, and I’m more mature now at 25. I
0Sir Alex has always liked to have plenty of midfield options at his disposal, but it’s doubtful he’s ever had quite the plethora of choice
1http://www.manunited.com.cn/NewsAndFeatures/ExclusiveInterviews/2008/Nov/Ten%20minutes%20with%20Fletcher.aspx?pageno=1 好久不来,惭愧惭愧,
1When United meet Europe’s big guns, Sir Alex’s welcoming party inevitably includes Darren Fletcher. Remember that glorious April night
0Darren Fletcher says keeping hold of the ball could be key to quelling Celtic’s vociferous support. The Bhoys boast an enviable home rec
1MUTV gave Reds followers the chance to put their questions to Darren Fletcher recently. Here are the midfielder's answers... What have yo
0话说这个进球还真漂亮,可惜毁全队不在状态上 慢慢来,毕竟埃弗顿也不是软柿子,反正联赛还长,榜首还在可追赶范围内