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    10版新人入坑,想问有翼暴君还能玩吗 刚涂完大翅膀真的帅
    TV1+1 3-27
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    八尺人... 10-27
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    Q群里偶尔有买了拆包的新手没有说明书,扫描了一份,想了想不如顺手发贴吧,这样以后有人要,就可以告诉他 “这么简单的事百度t贴吧搜一下就有了”
    zhengqixin 9-17
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    999999967 1-17
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    八尺人... 12-22
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    The world of Idos is on the verge of destruction, wracked by catastrophic storms and plagued by ravening tyranids. Into this maelstrom come the Raven Guard 4th Company, the warzone perfectly suited to their lightning-strike methods of combat. Led by Veteran Sergeant Grayvus, their mission is simple to rescue the planets last survivors. Grayvus and his company must fight their way through genestealers and a deadly biomorph if they are to succeed and reclaim Idos for the Imperium.
    Draco 4-3
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    The harlequins of the eldar are mysterious and enigmatic, even by the standards of that aloof race. When one of their number begins to experience memories that are not her own, and another life begins to bleed into their reality, the entire troupe is threatened. Can they find the source of the disturbance and stop it before it is too late?
    Draco 4-1
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    A meteor is falling on Izanagi, jewel of the Yamato system, and there is only one outcome: extinction for every man, woman and child on the world. But it is not the impact that will cause this untold destruction, it is the meteor's cargo: a horde of vicious orks, ready to rampage across the planet. A cunning general lays a trap for the monstrous greenskins, but can any plan survive contact with the orks?
    Draco 4-1
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    Among the ancient and jaded denizens of the dark city of Commorragh, emotion is a rare treasure, love most of all. When Archon Malwrack sees the beautiful and mysterious Mistress Baeda, he knows he must possess her. Taking inspiration from the primitive race of man, he gives Baeda a series of ever more outlandish gifts in the hopes of winning her hand.
    Draco 4-1
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    The Firedrakes, elite warriors of the Salamanders Space Marine Chapter, enter an ancient space hulk in search of a great prize – a xenos prisoner taken by fellow Salamanders a century before and lost in the warp. Harried by vicious alien genestealers and beset by strange psychic phenomena, the Space Marines struggle to reach their goal, only to find that their mission may be far more difficult than they imagined.
    Draco 4-1
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    Imperial Guard of the 19th Alba Marmorea hold a vital river crossing deep in the verdant forests of Shertore. Their enemy: the inhuman monstrosities of the tyranids. With the deadly aliens attacking ever more frequently and the baleful psychic presence of the Hive Mind pressing in on them, it falls to the commissars and medics of the unit to keep the men together until help can arrive.
    Draco 3-31
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    For Trooper Karl Grauss, there are no better fighting men in all of the Imperium than the vaunted Mordian Iron Guard. The epitome of martial discipline and grim determination there is no a foe that cannot best with force of arms... until the tyranids. In the rich and fecund surroundings of an agri-world, Grauss and his comrades make their stand. But against this voracious xenos breed there can be no victory and as the evacuation gets underway life is measured in minutes not hours. Can he survive long enough to escape the alien menace? Can anyone?
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    On the world of Gershom, people are dying. Nearly thirty corpses sit in the morgue, linked by nothing other than their cause of death – vicious, animalistic murder. Magistratum Marshal Macks brings in an expert – and old friend – to investigate. Magos Biologis Drusher and Macks must discover the cause of these brutal killings before they become the next victims.
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    想请问现在中文规则都在哪边下载阿?? 老师傅好像没有在更新?还是换地方发??
    Draco 3-31
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    Fear the Alien is an Anthology of short stories edited by Christian Dunn and published in 2010
    Draco 3-31
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    Draco 3-31
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    Draco 3-31
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    经核实吧主宇宙阴影团扑 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 泰伦虫族吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
    Draco 3-30
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    Jerry 3-14
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    在店员推荐下入了这个 请问各位大佬,装备要怎么选
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    wssaver 11-13
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    陳影山 12-9
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    因为本地同意的新房规,想找一下之前7.6版本的规则虫子的。 望给位大佬帮帮忙 之前帖子里的链接失效了
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    求大神教我涂 真心手残党 但是有一颗火热的心 又买不起成品 谁来教教我阿
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    汞灯 10-2
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    汞灯 10-2

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